Thursday, September 5, 2019

Pathophysiology Disease Body

Pathophysiology Disease Body Ulcerative colitis. Pathophysiology is the study of disturbance of normal mechanical, physical and biochemical functions either caused by a disease or resulting from a disease or abnormal syndrome or condition that may qualify to be called a disease. Its defined when something disrupts the normal physiology and it enters in to realm. Pathophysiology looks at the detailed malfunctioning that causes diseases. Pathophysiology deals with the how the body reacts incase of a pathogen in the digestive system. Pathophysiology of Ulcerative colitis is the most common inflammatory bowel disease affecting most people in the world and mostly in Australia. The inflammatory process of ulcerative colitis begins at the rectum area of the anal canal and progresses proximally to other body parts within the digestive system. After analyzing my patient, i found out some symptoms in him which are in ulcerative colitis. They included ; Frequent visit to the toilet with 7-8 visits during the night, diarrhea and the diarrhea p rogressed to have blood stains, loss of weight by 10 kg, loose of appetite, he was weak because of dehydration he experienced ache in the legs and this resulted to fatigue. These are the common symptoms in ulcerative colitis and this patient happened to have the symptoms after i diagnosed him. In most people the disease is confined to the rectum and sigmoid colon. Although ulcerative is untreatable, it has long-term debilitating manifestations which disrupt lifestyle. Some of the common signs and symptoms of this disease fall under two categories that is internal manifestation and external manifestation. Some examples of the internal manifestation include; include; inflammation at the base of the crypt of lieberkun in the large intestine which is connected with the inflammation on the thick lining wall of the rectum it also happen to other parts of the digesting track. It is also characterized by remissions and exacerbations involving the inflammation of the rectum and colon. Blood stained stool with mucus also is another symptom for ulcerative colitis. Abdominal pain, tiredness and weight loss, mouth ulcers, malaise and malnutrition, frequent diarrhea with small passage of blood and purulent mucus, some people experience fever in the body some patients may start vomiting or have nausea other patients may experience pain in the anus while passing stool. Chronic inflammation leads to a trophy, narrowing and shortening of the colon, with loss of its normal haustra. Pseudo polyps, tongue like projections of bowel mucosa into of the bowel regenerates. The disease is also severe in the rectum and sigmoid colon. Loss of the absorptive mucosal surface and rapid colonic transit and this causes large volumes of watery diarrhea, anemia. Many of the external manifestation may be missed as the sign of Ulcerative colitis examples of external manifestation include; joint pain oral lesions, arthritis, osteoporosis and skin manifestation e.g. Erythemanodusum. Some other external manifestation may be in the eyes and liver. Other signs are anorexia, fatigue and weakness in the body. Some people may have frequent visit to the toilets which can equate to 6 to 10 visits per day with bloody stool. All these symptoms differ with normal health because when one is healthy he or she does not visit the toilet frequently, diarrhea, has blood stool, vomit or has fatigue and weakness in the body. When the gastrointestinal is normal, digestive system is a lso good and the colon and rectum function properly. Chronic inflammatory is caused by abnormal gastrointestinal. Gastrointestinal process is important because it strengthens the mucosal lining of the rectum this results to better absorption of vital nutrients and thickening of the colon wall. After various medications failed, some of the visible effects of the current medication (cyclospororine) are; mild increase in transaminases, thrombocytopenia, and pancytopenia. This suggests that the therapy with VGC is effective against CMV in organ transplant. Also the current medication had fatigue problems the body was involved in a lot of metabolic processes and got exhausted because of that medication. This has led to general energy loss in the body as a whole. Although has negative impact to energy that is not reflected to weight has weight remained constant. The patient was not allergic to the medication and neither of his body parts responded negatively to the medication. Diarrhea has not stopped so the patient still administers predisone drug because it helps in reducing diarrhea. To avoid some of those effects the patient is supposed to medication that is suitable to his body. The medication i can recommend to the patient is the current drug because although it has so eff ects but it is helping the patient greatly. is an immunosuppressant for the treatment of the disease. Cyclosporine acts as an inhibiting lymphocyte which is important for propagation of inflammation. Apart from other immunosuppressive agent, this medication does not suppress the activity of other hamatopoetic cells References

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