Monday, September 2, 2019

George Orwells 1984 Essay -- George Orwell 1984 Essays

George Orwell's 1984 There is, in every person, a secret part of one's self that is kept completely secret. Most often than not, it is a place of solitude, where no one else is admitted entry. Logic does not rule here; pure instinct, the drive for survival, is what reigns supreme in this realm. However, there are those chosen few who are allowed in, and it is they who are most dangerous; they alone know how to best maul, injure, and in the end, betray. Orwell created such a relationship in 1984 between Winston and Julia. Though the idea is never directly stated, the likelihood that Julia is a member of the Thought-Police grows increasingly more evident and obvious as the story progresses through her words, actions, and in the end, her betrayal of Winston. When Winston and Julia run off to their little grove of ash saplings, Julia makes a few statements that are startlingly suspicious to a quick and clever mind. When Winston explains that he first supposed her to be a member of the Thought Police, she laughs giddily, and asks, ?And you thought that if I had a quarter of a chance I?d denounce you as a thought-criminal and get you killed off (101) Such a comment Stated so bluntly and forceful, it seems as though only the truth could be announced in this manner. The natural instinct of humans is to soften the blow, to make the truth easier to bear, not pointing out the worst case scenario and leaving no room hope, yet this is exactly what Julia does. The fact that she does so laughingly merely is cover, so that Winston cannot suspect the truth of her identity, and it works. The next comment she makes that sheds a sliver of light into her shadowy character comes after Winston?s inquiry of her choosi... ...r girl gave him the impression of being more dangerous than most.? Such is the truth behind the mask of lies and deceit that Julia has worn until now. Her words, actions, and betrayal of Winston made it possible for Big Brother to actually survive, made it possible for Winston to be broken and destroyed. They made it possible for Julia to trick Winston into believing there was hope, believing they still had a chance for a free democracy?a false hope. Had Winston stuck with his first impression of Julia, his gut reaction of fear and hatred, he might have survived. After all, that?s what instincts are for?procuring the best means for survival. Instinct could have saved him, at least for the time being. But he didn?t heed its urgent warning, and with that choice, his fate was sealed. Works Cited: Orwell, George. 1984. London: Secker and Warburg, 1949.

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