Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Relationship Between Liberalism And Conservatism - 1317 Words

This essay will assess the relationship between liberalism and conservatism by exploring the differences in ideological beliefs of these two ideologies. Ideology can be defined as â€Å"set of interrelated and more or less coherent ideas† that constitutes of both â€Å"descriptive and normative element† on how a society works (Heywood, 2007, pp. 6-7). One of the most popular ideology in contemporary politics is liberalism which accord individual liberty and free market as its primary priority. On the other hand, conservatism is generally known for advocating tradition, societal state and authority. Firstly, we will look at theories developed by liberalism and conservatism on creation of state. It would then be followed by liberalism’s notion of individuality and individual liberty versus conservatism’s emphasis on individual imperfectionism and need for society. Thereafter, we will observe liberalism and conservatism as political ideology and how it has ev olved over time. The essay will be summed up by a conclusion in the end. The terms, liberalism and conservatism mentioned in this essay are intended to be synonymous to their traditional or classical thoughts and beliefs. Every argument presented in this essay are intended to support the claim that liberalism and conservatism are not compatible ideologies. By compatible, I meant being consistent without any disagreements. Social contract theory is â€Å"theoretical tool and a metaphor† (Kelly 2004, pp. 38) designed by John Locke andShow MoreRelatedThe Relationship Between Modern Conservatism (Uk) and Classic Liberalism745 Words   |  3 Pages------------------------------------------------- The relationship between Modern Conservatism (UK) and Classic Liberalism In the UK Margret thatcher was the true pioneer of modern conservatism. Thatcher had completely shifted the party to the right. This was known as the new right. 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