Sunday, November 3, 2019

Wall St Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Wall St Journal - Essay Example The significance of the major concern linked with the requirement of a 21st century trade policy is of great importance in today’s business world as it might bring new changes particularly in trade liberalization. It is worth mentioning in this similar context that the new alterations especially in the aspect of trade liberalization would lower trade barrier throughout the globe facilitating dynamic global trade (Razeen, â€Å"Its Time for a 21st-Century Trade Policy†). According to the article, it has been apparently observed that the World Trade Organization (WTO) and free-trade agreements (FTAs) are broadly considered as trade negotiations belonging to 20th century and thus requires 21st century trade policies for the purpose of raising the level of global trade with the gaining momentum of globalization along with internationalization. The article mainly focused upon realizing the need for a 21st century trade policy representing that the tariff barriers would be reduced by a considerable level as it is regarded to be one of the major obstructions towards trade. The article concerning â€Å"Its Time for a 21st-Century Trade Policy† revealed that the modern world require adopting as well as executing 21st century related trade policies in order to mitigate or address different financial issues. In this similar concern, one of the economic issues can be identified as sustaining the growth performance of exports. It has been viewed that the growth of exports were not much satisfactory in the early years due to the factor of augmented tariff barriers. Thus, according to the article, the world requires to introduce as well as to implement effective trade policies belonging to 21st century for the purpose of mitigating the aforementioned economic issue by a greater level through lessening tariff barriers by a certain degree (Razeen,† Its Time for a 21st-Century Trade Policy†). The change of 20th century trade policies to 21st century

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