Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Government Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Government - Case Study Example But at the same time, prosecution gave impression of being over zealous in indicting only Martha, who was actually a much smaller culprit of the said crime as against the Mr. Samuel Waksal, who was a major offender. Mr. Samuel was a cofounder of the company, who had intentionally set to defraud the various stakeholders through deliberate insider trading based on confidential information. Business persons are guided by their financial advisors and therefore, Martha Stewart’s only crime was that she had trusted financial advisor, Peter Bacanovic and then continued to follow his instruction under the misguided notion that her actions would actually acquit her of the financial misdeeds. The market driven approach of the health industry is neither valid nor ethical. In the market driven health system, consumers or people decide what goods (health module) to buy and at what cost. The prices and the level of services become the crucial factor in the exchange of goods or the healthcare services. In US, the healthcare is market driven and even the essential ones like insurance, accessibility etc are treated like commodities. The healthcare components like accessibility to good medical care, quality and cost are therefore, increasingly moving beyond the grasp of general public. In the current scenario of recessive trends, huge unemployment and rising cost of health care imperatives, increasing number of Americans have inadequate or have no health insurance cover because of unemployment. The market paradigms of the healthcare system have made it extremely discriminatory and unaffordable and thereby inaccessible for the unemployed and low income citizens. Thus, it can be concluded that an unprecedented commercialization with the healthcare industry that has not boded well for the masses. The government must come up with more stringent measures and controls so that market driven interests are not able to exploit the vulnerable class. The government must ensure

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