Saturday, December 28, 2019

Graduation Speech My New College Environment Essay

Eighteen candles blazed before my eyelids as family and friends chimed Las Mananitas around my twin sister and I. The song concluded with cheers and chants from all sides, as my cousin yells out, â€Å"Make a wish!† I closed my eyes and repeated the same wish I had for the last three years. Taking a deep breath in, it whispered from the recesses of my mind, I wish to change. When I entered my teen years the stronger my wish for a transformation of some kind, physical or emotional grew. I cannot pinpoint the moment I stopped liking the type of person I was and spent high searching for communities hoping they would be my catalyst with no avail. As I entered college, I hoped Los Angeles would be my place of transformation, but adjusting to my new college environment proved challenging and as the semester wore on my wish became a faint memory. Although I was only eight hours away from the Bay Area the homesickness never left me. Longing for my large intimate family and realized I would needed to find a community at my college if I were to survive emotionally. I attended meetings for different cultural clubs, the only places I felt accepted due to the lack of cultural diversity on campus. They were enjoyable yet lacked the intimacy I craved. I wanted a place I could call home,where I could grow, challenge myself, and contribute to the campus environment. When I heard about Sigma Lambda Gamma Sorority being the only multicultural Greek organization at my institution I was intrigued.Show MoreRelatedGraduation Speech : Mathematics As A Computer Technician1270 Words   |  6 PagesIn my last speech I joked around about my dad and his degree in mathematics as a computer technician saying that it was such an odd match up; but in reality, it couldn’t have worked out better. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Who Is A Four Year Institution - 1393 Words

Many first-time freshmen enroll into a four year institution with the belief that they will graduate in four years. Unfortunately, the reality of it is that only a few of those individuals actually graduate in four years. According to â€Å"California State University, Fresno: First-Time Full-Time Freshmen Four-Year Fall 2000 to Fall 2009 Graduation Rates†, about an average of 200 students graduated in four years out of about 2,000 who entered. Now you may ask yourself, how is this possible if it is said to be a four year institution? Yes, it may be established and known as a 4 year institution, but that does not guarantee an undergraduate a completion of their degree within four years. There are many contributions that play an important†¦show more content†¦If in the event, you do decide in changing your major, adding a minor and or a certificate; it is crucial to meet with both an academic advisor and your designated major advisor. Meeting with your academic ad visor can not only make you more aware of your resources, but also help you acknowledge the GE requirements you must fulfill in order to graduate. However, some majors do require courses that must be taken prior to upper division courses and can possibly also double as both the GE requirements and major requirements. This could save you money and time, which is very valuable throughout your college experience. Meeting with your major advisor is also very helpful because some majors do require courses that are just intended for that major. For instance, the major of Criminology for the first year they require undergraduates to enroll in CRIM 1 and CRIM 2 which are courses that inform and educate students on the criminal system over all. These courses are required for all options and must be taken prior to taking upper division major courses. This is important information because it is essential for staying on track and being aware of the priorities your major expects from you. Since it is mandatory for me to meet with my advisor each semester because of EOP, I met up with my assigned academic advisor at the beginning of Fall Semester. She advised me to take one criminology

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Story of David Goliath free essay sample

The story of David and Goliath is one of the most interesting stories in the bible. Goliath was a huge man. He was a giant that stood about 9 feet tall. He cursed at the Israelites and threw bad insults towards their God. He was a Philistine and wanted to settle the battle in a one-on-one contest so that many soldiers did not have to die. He was asking for one man among the Israelites to come out to fight for them. Everyone was afraid because he was such a terrifying giant. David was just a small teenager. He was young, but he was brave. Although Goliath had a suit of armor, all David had was a slingshot and five smooth stones and his shepherd staff. King Saul tried to get David to wear armor to protect him, but it was too heavy and David had never tried to fight with it on before. We will write a custom essay sample on Story of David Goliath or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page So he left it behind and trusted God. When Goliath saw that the Israelites sent a boy to fight, he made fun of them some more. Then he told David he was going to rip him apart and feed him to the birds and beasts. David answered bravely and told him God would get the glory and that his armour and weapons will soon prove no match for him. David’s slingshot was a rope with a small pouch on the end and you would wave it around in a circle to get the speed you needed to release the stone. When Goliath came at David, he didnt get scared and run away. He went straight at Goliath. He took out a smooth stone from his shepherd’s bag and placed it in the sling. Then he slung it at the giant and hit him squarely in the forehead. It went into his skull and killed Goliath. Then David went and took Goliaths sword and cut off his head. That scared the Philistines so badly that they ran away in fear and were chased by the Israelites out of the land. That’s the story of David and Goliath.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

”Bus 174” by Jose Padilha Essay Sample free essay sample

The documental Bus 174. by Jose Padilha showed and described the life of Sandro Rosa do Nascimento. The docudrama was filmed with cartridge holders of camera crews who were on scene ; in add-on to that there were interviews with those who knew Sandro on a personal degree. The movie started off with street childs from Brazil explicating how life was for the hapless. as the camera overviewed the slums of Brazil. Throughout the docudrama. the movie jumped back in 4th in scenes from when Sandro was a child and how he grew up. to the twenty-four hours of the â€Å"interrupted robbery† stunt he pulled off. As the camera operators broadcasted Sandro’s coach robbery live all throughout Brazil. Sandro believed people really acknowledged him for one time and felt like he was protected from the constabulary. Not cognizing that the minute he would step foot off the coach. the constabulary eventually reacted and attempted to hit him but missed. We will write a custom essay sample on †Bus 174† by Jose Padilha Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Police so rushed and took him to gaol ; Sandro shortly passed off from suffocation. which was done by the constabulary as agencies of repressing him. The point of position was chiefly Sandro’s point of position. it was his clip to reflect and no 1 was traveling to halt him. Throughout his life Sandro hadn’t been acknowledged by anyone. he was a street child that was â€Å"invisible† to others but his ain sort. One individual interviewed was a psychologist. he said Sandro did this whole coach scene because he wanted recognition and glorification. that’s why he would come out and suggest a menace. he would invariably convey up state of affairss in the yesteryear where childs in the slums of Brazil of how thy were being treated.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

How Far Do We In Britain Live In A Democracy Essays - Democracy

How Far Do We In Britain Live In A Democracy? The definition of democracy is rule by the people, or the power of the people. The demos comes from the ancient Greek, it is the people and kratos is to rule. Democracy today has come to mean the decisions arrived by the majority (or a simple majority), the right of every citizen to vote and hold office, and the duty of all citizens to participate actively in the system. So in an undefined sense, political power is ultimately in the hands of the whole adult population, and no smaller group has the right to rule. But only when democracy is qualified by other words, such as liberal, representative and direct, can it take on a more useful meaning. So to understand democracy, we must look at these different faces of it. Liberal democracy is most commonly seen in industrialised western countries. It has four main ideas: ? That the government should be limited (the individual should enjoy some protection from arbitrary government), and its purpose should be the removal of obstacles to individual well-being; ? The market should have a paramount role with minimum state interference; ? The state should play the role of night-watchman; the franchise should be steadily extended to encompass men with property to members of the working class. The overall idea is that there should be a limited government, the individual should enjoy some protection from arbitrary government and that the government should be in some way tied to the will of the people. The central existence of liberal democracy is the existence of civil liberties the freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and the freedom to dissent. In Britain these civil liberties and guaranteed by the rule of law and the separation of powers. The rule of law guarantees us equality before the law. And the separation of power maintains a separate executive and jury, so that laws enforceable in courts can curtail the powers of rulers. But a criticism of liberal democracy is that our rights and freedoms are not all that free. So although we, as British citizens have freedom from arbitrary arrest, we can be arrested on suspicion; although we have freedom of expression, we are not free of libel; although we have the right to be free from surveillance without due process, it can be given by a judge, and although we have the right to the freedom of movement, we are still controlled by passports. It has been thought that liberal democracy has come to embody the limited claim that the working class has the right to compete with the established state institutions and society. This is because no one voice is louder than another, liberal democracies are representative, political authority is based on popular consent, the wishes of the masses. Today liberal democracy has become very closely linked with representative democracies. The idea for representative democracies, is that the citizens elect representatives to make decisions on their behalf. This works in Britain by voters electing Members of Parliament, the person that they think will best represent their views. These MPs meet in an assembly, the House of Commons, which is responsible for making laws. Every MP has the right to speak and vote on proposed laws, either for or against. Proposals become law if a majority of MPs vote in favour of tem. By voting for a representative, the voting citizen is handing over the responsibility for decision making to someone else. Although voters hand over the responsibility for decision making to their elected representatives, they still have a further part to play in the system. There is accountability; the representatives are accountable to the electorate, so the electorate in someway exercises power over its representative. For, unless the representative acts in a way that meets the approval of their electorate, they will not be reselected and so will lose their seat. This fear will affect their behaviour in favour of the electorate, but the electorate has had to hand over its personal power and the personal contribution to the formation of legislation. The role of the representative is therefore very important. Some representatives argue that their duty is only

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Passing Comparison Essay

Passing Comparison Essay Passing Comparison Essay The novel Passing examines racism. But this isn’t the ordinary racism, the book explains racism between darker toned black people and the lighter toned African Americans who are more accepted into the environment. The characters in this book can be easily described. Each character is introduced and within the next few paragraphs you can tell what type of character the will be in the book. The protagonist, Irene, differs much from Clare. But aside from both being African American, they relate in different ways also. Irene is the main character in this story. She is introduced as a woman, a mother of two boys who is shopping for their gifts. It’s a hot summer day and she has gone through the trouble of going to three different places looking for a gift that she can not find anywhere. I was given the impression from this paragraph that Irene is a dependable person because she did not give up on finding her son’s gift. When she arrived on the Drayton hotel and ran in to Clare, there was an awkward staring moment because she wasn’t sure if it was Clare or not. Clare gave her direct eye contact and Irene would just avoid the eye contact and look away. This made me think that Irene is more of a diffident and conscious person in contrast to Clare who is more confident. Later on after the meeting between Irene and Clare, Irene declared that she did not want to see Clare Kendry again after being disgusted by the fact that she would consider passing. I acknowledged that Irene is a dignified woman because she is loyal to her black roots. But the author also reveals that Irene isn’t the most dexterous person because when she received the phone call from Clare, she accepted the invitation to her house for tea. I sensed jealousy in Irene when she discovers later in the book that Clare actually gets along well with the black community. Clare Kendry was introduced in the first chapter as a sellout. She was introduced in the unexpected meeting with Irene which she then explained how she has decided to pass as a White woman. Not only has she passed as a white woman, but she has also married a white man. Clare can be described as inconsiderate. She put Irene and her social class as well as her self in danger.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Theme Of Happiness In The Movie Revolutionary Road Essay

The Theme Of Happiness In The Movie Revolutionary Road - Essay Example I feel the frustrations of not achieving their dreams could have polarized the relationship. Finding purpose and meaning in life has lasting impact one's well-being. Occasionally, this results from having fulfilled dreams. Living below your dreams can lead to mental distress and become unable to cope with life issues. The quick turn of events changes the platform to achieve the dreams for the two lovers. Frank gets promotion and April are pregnant again. The frustrations grew up to the point of break up. True to Friedan, a magazine analyst, words, women in The New Woman Heroine yearn for career growth, self-identity and if they did not make it, those dreams would still be burning inside them to a point that they would wish their daughters to live their dreams. Looking at April, I can understand why she had to do what she did. She did not have anything to hold on in life. Her career becoming close to impossible to achieve and unhappy marriage running in her hand every time she would think of it was enough to torture her to death. Everyone wants to achieve the life’s dream and if not have something that closely resembles such dreams. It gives purpose and meaning which I believe lacked for the couple. I feel like no one can understand our dreams better than we do and hence the need to follow our  heart.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Personal ethics development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Personal ethics development - Essay Example The process of testing rules comprises of its universality i.e. can the rules be universally applied to everyone or it treats people as ends but not the means. Every individual has some of the sources where he or she draws some of the basic principles in life that forms the basis of what is wrong or right behavior. In several instances, the following are some of the major sources of ethics. Childhood upbringing- every person learns ethics from his or her parents through either words or most importantly through their actions. I learned some of the ethics by observing and listening and observing what my parents as I grew up. Life experience- at a later stage in life, some of the events directly and consciously shapes the ethics of an individual. For instance, an individual who was treated unfairly during a road accident may most likely have negative attitude in life towards people who treated him or her unfairly. Religious beliefs- nearly most of the religions in the world teach similar code of ethics that emphasizes on respect for other people’s rights, honest and selflessness. Therefore, whether in business or in business situations, religious people act in a manner that is seen as being ethical A person’s ethics can be displayed in the place of work since an individual and the organization can both affect each other’s actions and behavior. Team leaders have a great impact on their team’s behavior and ethics. A place of work is a good place to learn ethics since employees affect each other’s psychology and moral behavior. Therefore employees act as each other’s source of inspiration Good ethics assist an individual in understanding his or her working environment. It also assists an individual to wheedle with team members both in junior and senior positions in a friendly way. This assists in creating conducive working environment thus increasing the performance level. A

Monday, November 18, 2019

Topic of your choice but i have a request can you send your topic Essay

Topic of your choice but i have a request can you send your topic choice by thursday a.m. I have to turn in topic thursday in c - Essay Example Excited and enthusiastic would describe my mood at the time of assessment. My first task was to test my endurance and meant that I had to run two kilometers in twenty-five minutes. Me run! My enthusiasm for fitness instantly decreased by 30% upon visualizing myself running around the block in the midday sun, dying for water and collapsing less than half way around. Nevertheless, once I realized I would be running on a treadmill I decided to give it a go. I felt quite pleased with myself to start and thought that the task would not be so difficult after all. After ten minutes however, I was not going as fast as I needed to finish the length in the allotted time, so the speed was increased. That was the end for me. I had to stop. I felt my heart was in my mouth and if I took one more step I would send it into oblivion. Strength was the next assessment area, and after composing myself from the endurance catastrophe I keenly ventured into my next venture, for after all I considered mysel f to be quite strong and able to lift a few weights. My enthusiasm instantly nose-dived by a further 50% on finding that I was not lifting weights but doing push-ups and sit-ups.

Friday, November 15, 2019

How Polluted Is The Brisbane River Environmental Sciences Essay

How Polluted Is The Brisbane River Environmental Sciences Essay This paper described the water pollution in Brisbane River and its effect in the environment and human health. It constructed an index that focuses on the effects and vulnerability to the environment. Councils and industries affect the Brisbane River by polluting and not following proper precautions. This paper examines the contaminants present and how primarily reduces its number. There is a wide range of industrial pollutants in Brisbane River discussed in this paper. It affects the Entire River and bodies of water around the location. These pollutants are generally addressed in various ways. Benefits of effective environmental management include improved water working conditions and reduced pollution incidents significantly due to industrial and structural processes. Some environmental advocates of water ecotourism choose to think of it as a true return to nature by minimizing realty development in natural areas and preserving their intrinsic beauty. The balance of costs and benef its is difficult to assess due to the insufficient data. Introduction The government initiated measures to control Brisbane water pollution by regulating its source that prevent the pollutants from being released into the atmosphere. Emission control systems set by the government are seen as the solution rather than considering ways to eliminate or minimize pollutant. By virtue of government mandate, the Environmental Protection Agency has been charged with the responsibility for developing programs on Hazardous waste regulation as well as a regulatory body for Brisbane River (Miller, 2008). The Environmental Protecting agency may make rules subject to the negative designation of hazardous substances and the performance standard, safeguard, procedures and licensing requirement with accordance with which such hazardous substances shall be handled. The management investigate the environment generally and such premises necessary to ascertain the nature of pollutants. It also develops and implements programs for the management of such wastes which include registration and further characterization of significant sources being disposed to the environment There is a wide range of industrial pollutants in Brisbane River that started when European settlement establish around the area causing pollution and increase waste products (Gleick Palaniappan, 2008). These include combustion and sewage products from power generation, transport and incineration. The common contaminants generated by these processes include, nitrous oxides, phosphoric substances, particulates, carbon oxides and nitrogen oxides. Effects of the development in the area such as industrial pollutants are directly affecting river as well as health of the population. There are also significant amount of sulfuric or nitric acid detected in aquatic reservoir that can destruct vegetation, drinking water, erode buildings and damage aquatic life in the River. The community utilizes Modification of the Transmission to disperse pollutants and most of the other waste products generated are re-shipped to manufacturers for recycling (Agar, 2001). An Analysis of Past and Current Pollution Levels SURVEY_DATE Nitrogen (total) as N (mg/L) Phosphorus (total) as P (mg/L) 4/10/2006 0.54 0.24 15/11/2006 0.52 0.23 15/12/2006 0.51 0.2 16/01/2007 0.46 0.2 14/02/2007 0.48 0.2 16/03/2007 0.47 0.19 17/04/2007 0.43 0.2 15/05/2007 0.51 0.25 14/06/2007 0.66 0.28 12/07/2007 0.56 0.25 10/08/2007 0.41 0.25 10/09/2007 0.5 0.24 9/10/2007 0.49 0.23 7/11/2007 0.55 0.25 5/12/2007 0.48 0.25 8/01/2008 0.7 0.31 5/02/2008 0.57 0.19 5/03/2008 0.35 0.098 4/04/2008 0.37 0.14 15/05/2008 0.44 0.17 17/06/2008 0.57 0.16 16/07/2008 0.57 0.17 15/08/2008 0.45 0.14 11/09/2008 0.38 0.13 13/10/2008 0.43 0.15 12/11/2008 0.46 0.15 10/12/2008 0.71 0.14 8/01/2009 0.58 0.1 9/02/2009 0.42 0.11 10/03/2009 0.59 0.17 8/04/2009 0.68 0.18 7/05/2009 0.48 0.13 5/06/2009 0.55 0.1 6/07/2009 0.71 0.095 5/08/2009 0.42 0.084 3/09/2009 0.5 0.12 5/10/2009 0.46 0.12 4/11/2009 0.3 0.088 3/12/2009 1.9 0.16 13/01/2010 0.51 0.11    These data can be used as a proxy for water pollution in general, which impacts on many aspects of the riverà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s ecosystem and public health including such things as quality of water and biodiversity. But there is no continuous data monitoring for Nitrogen and Phosphorus and other hazardous chemical in Brisbane River (Miller, 2008). Therefore estimation for this pollutant indicator could not be determined. The data indices was developed in the past which describe the risks associated with sustainability, climate change, economic and social conditions, climate change, natural disasters, anthropogenic impacts in the river. Most of these figures describe the vulnerability of human systems with only limited attempts having been made to describe effects of air pollution on the environment (Donald, 2002). Nature There is a wide range of industrial pollutants in Brisbane River. These pollutants are generally addressed in various ways. These include oil products from manufacturers, industries, transport and incineration. The common contaminants generated by these processes include phosphorus and nitrogen. There are also non-combustion sources. Examples of these are industrial processes, transportation, agriculture and construction that produce water pollutants and particulates (Gleick Palaniappan, 2008). These are release directly from the source into the water in a harmful form. A typical pollutant would be nitrogenous compound. Moreover, particulates are also present and serve as atmospheric pollutants that consist of the vapor phase of such compounds. Its chemical composition is depending upon source chemicals. The pollution level in the past years in Brisbane River is continually increasing partly because of industrialization and technology (Ostopowich, 2006). There is also inorganic water pollutants consist of many types of substances present in the river. Many of these liquid and solid substances may become particulate air contaminants. These inorganic water pollutants consist of sulfur, oxides of carbon, and nitrogen. Nitrogen and phosphorus are considered as a directly fatal and toxic material (Miller, 2008). Carbon dioxide in the water may turn out to be the most significant water pollutant of all because of its potential health hazard that might cause devastating water destruction. Oxides of nitrogen and sulfur are acid forming gases that can facilitate acid formation. These pollutants enter the water system as the result of industrial activities. The trends are continually fluctuating without normal ranges (Agar, 2001). Effects Water pollution from mechanical and industrial sources is the most widespread form of pollution in Brisbane River. It affects the Entire River and bodies of water around the location. Continuous Water protection monitoring is presently conducted in the river. Over the period 2000-2010 there has been a steady increase in the number of industries around the river (Gleick Palaniappan, 2008).The number of industrial processes in the area has remained more or less steady during this same period. There are pollution standard concentrations over a period of time that is considered to be acceptable on health and on the environment (Donald, 2002). They can also be used as a bench mark to see if water pollution is getting worse. Moreover, water pollution has a wide range of effects on human health resided along the river, ecosystems, structures and other human communities. Adverse effect and discomfort on human health and environment result to functional and physical damages. Australian Healt h Ministry reported incidence of respiratory diseases related to chemical pollutants around the area. They detected significant amount of phosphoric or nitrogenous chemicals in aquatic reservoir which can be attributed to acid rains. It can contaminate drinking water, vegetations and erode river wall buildings and damage aquatic life. Some environmental advocates of water ecotourism choose to think of it as a true return to nature by minimizing realty development in natural areas and preserving their intrinsic beauty. For example, instead of using up large tracts of land for building hotel complexes, these advocates prefer the construction of small, more ecologically friendly lodges that can take in a limited number of people only. The idea behind this thinking is to lessen the negative impact that tourist activities make on the environment, keeping consumption well within the carrying capacity of the area. (Miller, 2008). Others, however, see ecological benefits is being compromise because it accounts for benefits and uses that the host communities can get from the tourist activities in their area as well as the profits that travel agencies can also realize. They believe that conscientious consumption of the environmental resources and economic progress can be enjoyed simultaneously. The main thrust of this paper is therefore to determine if ecotourism he trending situations and is actually possible to reduce the pollutants, given the conflicting interests at play in these kinds of activities (Ostopowich, 2006). Control The number of collected data on control measures in Brisbane River is aggressively planned by our office (Environmental Protection Agency) with collaboration of various private and public sectors. It is difficult to determine accurately the percentage of effectively managed or controlled pollutants per year but the effort is continuous. Water pollutants resulted from industrial processes in the river is treated by different water treatment process (Gleick Palaniappan, 2008). It disperses pollutants to reduce the concentration at the susceptible target location to an acceptable level. The pollutant was transported with a considerable distance and transform to clean water. In this process, the water pollutants are brought to a designated area and are compacted. Most of the other waste products generated are re-shipped to manufacturers for recycling. In Trinidad only waste oil is recycled, therefore, given that 897.8 cubic meters of oil is generated per year, with 35.8 cubic meters bei ng recycled, the mean percent of hazardous waste recycled locally is about 4 per cent (Donald, 2002). Environmental Protection on water is also stressed out by the government. They prohibit the deposition or release of rubbish, scrap metal, motor vehicle parts, motor vehicle bodies, building waste, solid or liquid waste from an on-site domestic waste water treatment system, degreasing agent, paint, varnish or paint thinner or any manufactured product, or any by-product or waste from a manufacturing processes, that has a pH less than 6 or greater than nine (Agar, 2001). Recommendations The Environmental Protection agency gathers the most relevant information to come up with recommendations on how to decrease water pollution in Brisbane River. To help protect human health and ecosystem around Brisbane River, these recommendations suit to control and minimize water pollution Water quality indexes must be used to serve as warning for susceptible people of a possible air pollution health risk. The modified Environmental Vulnerability Index must aid to summarize a wide range of environmental vulnerability for Brisbane River. A significant number of data collections are requirement to extract important information from various government or private agencies and international environmental organizations the country Administrative controls and legislative protocol can be utilized to minimize or prevent the generation of pollutants by the adoption of appropriate industrial practices and rules for specific processes including maintenance, waste disposal procedures and management controls. Engineering measures and controls can be used by Industries to minimize or prevent the release of pollutants. This approach includes polluting material elimination and substitution to prevent harmful emission into the atmosphere. Modification of the process to eliminate or reduce emissions is also part of engineering control. Emission control systems are also effective method to discharge gas streams adequately Government must continually provide support for strengthening the environmental management capacity of participating agencies to provide advice and access to data in support of its activities relating to complaints, environmental emergencies, monitoring compliance, enforcement and assessment of the state of environment. Properly dissemination of information and co-coordinate activities to promote and enhance environmental awareness of the public. A Predictive Model of Future Pollution The establishment of the predictive mode for water pollution is basically outlined from environment law and the plan provided a new set of perspective and basic ideas for the future environmental policies and trend regarding water pollution. This model established a framework with a long-term course. The model is a prediction on how the Brisbane River will progress and how the present effort affects the future. Previously, pollution problems were regional and the resulting damage was easy to see. It was therefore relatively easy to appreciate the causes and effect (Gleick Palaniappan, 2008). By contrasting the present situation to the past, many of todays water and environmental problems are caused by the activities of human being and many different elements that go to build up current complex and huge economic society. In order to solve these environmental problem, collaboration and partnership is a very important component. Collaboration in this case involves various private and l ocal elements in society working together in sharing and cooperating responsibilities. It also contains understanding the relationship between the activities of human and the natural environment, and also the connection that between socio-economic activities and the ecosystem. (Miller, 2008) People around Brisbane River have always been dependent on the environment as well as many people around the world. It is significantly essential for us to take into consideration, and realize, the relationship that between people and his environment, and to open a way for a sustainable future with the active cooperation and involvement of all people (Ostopowich, 2006). Conclusions Human systems and the environment are dependent on one another so that risks to the environment will eventually translate into harm and risks for humans and their welfare. Air pollutants from industrial facilities and industrial processes in Brisbane River include: oil refineries, power plants, chemical plants and steel mills. The amount of emissions are variously controlled, licensed and permitted emissions by the government, Waste production indicator is based on the amount of wastes produced by industrial processes and pollutants being generated or brought into the river.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief Essay -- mytholog

My original thought when comparing Percy Jackson and the Olympians: the Lightning Thief the movie and Classical mythology was that there would be many more references to the myth of Perceus than any other myth throughout the movie in its entirety. That’s where I was wrong. After watching the movie again and researching the different hero myths my opinion has changed. My new thoughts are that the movie is not influenced by the myth of Perceus any more than other hero myths. The movie ties together many different heroes’ stories and mixes them together to make a wonderful story about a young boy. The movie was based on a book series written by Rick Riordan. Percy Jackson and the Olympians: the Lightning Thief the movie is about a young boy who has just discovered that he is a demi-god Percy Jackson. His father is Poseidon and his mother has been keeping it from him for many years. There is a lightning bolt that is stolen from Zeus on Mt. Olympus and Zeus believes that Percy has stolen it and demands its return by the summer solstice. In the mean time Percy gets attacked by multiple magical and mythological beings. There is a camp that demi-gods are safe from these things which is where Percy’s mother and his protector, Grover, take him to. This is where Percy’s journey begins. After a few days of being at the camp he realizes what he has to do. His mother was taken by Hades to the underworld and Percy has to save her all while trying to prove to Zeus that he did not steal the Lighting bolt. This is the true start to Percy’s quest. He made a few friends in the camp and they agreed to go on this journey with him. Those accompanying him were his protector Grover and Athena’s daughter Annabeth. They also get some helpful tools fro... ...but they also believe that it is influenced by current day books such as Harry Potter more than Greek myth. Even though the movie and book may be influenced by these pop culture books that is to say that those books are not influenced by Greek myth. There are influences of mythology all through the world and most things in the world are influenced by mythology in some way. References "Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief." IMDb., n.d. Web. 27 Nov. 2013. . Siegel, Dr. Janice. "Dr. J's Illustrated Lectures." Dr. J's Illustrated Lectures. Dr. Janice Siegel, 26 Nov. 2005. Web. 30 Nov. 2013. . "Camp Half-Blood Wiki." Wikia. Wiki, n.d. Web. 5 Dec. 2013. .

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Abortion in American Culture

American Pop Culture Americas culture is evolving everyday although, society is not aware of this change due to the everyday hustle that we exert on ourselves trying to accomplish what the media and advertising has imprinted in regard to what our lives should contain. Media and advertising have a huge impact on how society thinks, acts, feels, and what is expected therefore, Americans subconsciously are trying to achieve what the media has painted as the American Dream. There are many ways that societies thoughts have been altered with the assistance of the media, one action that evolved the entire country would be the Roe vs.Wade ruling. Prior to Roe vs. Wade women throughout the country were making decisions on abortion but abortion was not legal at the time. â€Å"Abortion was widely available in many places across the United States if you were a woman who had good medical contacts and sufficient money. If you lacked either those contacts or the money, then abortion was either no t available or available under exceptionally unsafe circumstances† (Garrow, D. 1999). During the 1960’s women received better medical services because of the higher social status they contained.Compared to women who did not have those types of social contacts or the money, they would put their lives at risk when making the decision to continue with an abortion under unsafe circumstances. Decisions like this were made because of the consequences that society or culture would place on the woman. When Roe vs. Wade went to trial in 1973 to determine if a woman’s constitutional rights were being violated the final ruling had an enormous impact on the country. It gave women the chance to decide for themselves without the complications of being exposed to unhealthy or possibly deadly situations.This did not change the way Americans felt about the issue but it did change the way women all over the country dealt with the issue. Women now had a voice of their own in regard to making a decision that would affect them for the rest of their lives. This also changed how the rest of the country would react because now it is not a secret, the issue is out in the open and everyone sees the outcomes whether positive or negative. The legal struggle of Roe vs. Wade has impacted the country with the assistance of the media and advertising.The impact has affected all Americans but for some the impact on their lives is larger than others depending on the daily tasks. For example, physicians must deal with patients who are requesting an abortion. The physician must choose to assist the patient or have them seen by another physician because he or she does not want to participate in an action that they do not believe in. Politics is another example where the abortion issue is always discussed, especially during the election season. Running representatives are always careful in choosing pro-life or pro-choice, this type of decision can make or break their career.As n oted in Abortion in America, â€Å"Abortion is too much part of the American Scene† (Shostak, A. 1991) therefore this is an issue the country must deal with or years to come. References Garrow, D. (1999, March). Abortion Before and After Roe v. Wade: An Historical Perspective. Albany Law Review, 62(3), 833. Retrieved August 5, 2009, from International Security & Counter Terrorism Reference Center database. AB, S. (1991, July). Abortion in America. The Futurist, 25(4), 20-24. Retrieved August 5, 2009, from MEDLINE with Full Text database.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on Families in Corporate America

Since the 1950’s and 60’s, America has lost the true meaning of families. Less time is spent with our youth in order to keep ahead in the fast paced corporate America. When is the last time you can honestly say you have had a family dinner where everyone was present. Employers expect their employees to put their jobs first and families second. Many corporations are decreasing the size of their workforces, and increasing the workloads of their employees. Because of these high demands placed upon employees, families are in more trouble than ever. It has also caused employees to lose respect and loyalty to their long time employers. Before the 1990’s, it was commonplace to find employees who retired with the same company that they had originally started with forty or fifty years ago. Now, it is almost impossible to keep an employee for more than a couple years. How as a society can we change the decline of family values and employee/employer loyalty? To start, the government has created several new policies and regulations that give more rights to both parties. On August 5, 1993, The Family and Medical Leave Act was passed in order to end conflicts between employees and their employers. The FMLA states the rights of employees and their employers with specific guidelines that must be followed by both parties. Besides the FMLA, several other policies and regulations were revised in order to solve relations between employees and employers. Even though these policies are present, employers can still discriminate or get around them. The main problem with these policies is that they are too broad to provide any protection. Except for a few states with break laws, employees can be made to work as much as 72 hours a week. According to Ethan A. Winning, an employer advocate for over two decades states â€Å"When all is said and done, employees have considerable rights in the workplace, dependent to some extent on the existence or la... Free Essays on Families in Corporate America Free Essays on Families in Corporate America Since the 1950’s and 60’s, America has lost the true meaning of families. Less time is spent with our youth in order to keep ahead in the fast paced corporate America. When is the last time you can honestly say you have had a family dinner where everyone was present. Employers expect their employees to put their jobs first and families second. Many corporations are decreasing the size of their workforces, and increasing the workloads of their employees. Because of these high demands placed upon employees, families are in more trouble than ever. It has also caused employees to lose respect and loyalty to their long time employers. Before the 1990’s, it was commonplace to find employees who retired with the same company that they had originally started with forty or fifty years ago. Now, it is almost impossible to keep an employee for more than a couple years. How as a society can we change the decline of family values and employee/employer loyalty? To start, the government has created several new policies and regulations that give more rights to both parties. On August 5, 1993, The Family and Medical Leave Act was passed in order to end conflicts between employees and their employers. The FMLA states the rights of employees and their employers with specific guidelines that must be followed by both parties. Besides the FMLA, several other policies and regulations were revised in order to solve relations between employees and employers. Even though these policies are present, employers can still discriminate or get around them. The main problem with these policies is that they are too broad to provide any protection. Except for a few states with break laws, employees can be made to work as much as 72 hours a week. According to Ethan A. Winning, an employer advocate for over two decades states â€Å"When all is said and done, employees have considerable rights in the workplace, dependent to some extent on the existence or la...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

History of the Conservative Movement essays

History of the Conservative Movement essays Many people argue that the conservative movement started with an article in the National Review on November 19, 1955. The name of the article was the "Publisher's Statement", written by William F. Buckley Jr., the magazine's editor-publisher. At the age of 30, Buckley declared, "let's face it: Unlike Vienna it seems altogether possible that did National Review not exist, no one would have invented it." During the first five years, the magazine's circulation hovered around 20,000. This would be the start of a new type of thinking, a newer, bolder more "conservative" type of thinking. This year, 1955, would start what would be called the conservative movement. The conservative movement has a vast history, an active present, and an expanding future. The father of modern conservatism (although he never used the term "conservatism") was the British parliamentarian Edmund Burke. Burke's ideas developed as a result of his reaction to the French Revolution in 1789. In his Reflections on the Revolution in France (1790), Burke attacked the French activists for their preoccupation with theory and with ideas. In America Federalists were guided by conservative principles like those of Burke. American political movements did not finally divide into conservative and progressive factions until about the time of the election of Andrew Jackson in 1828. After World War II, the conservatives became strident opponents of international communism. Like mentioned before, the Conservative movement in America started in 1955 with William F. Buckley's article in the National Review. The roots of conservatism formed from two completely different views of thinking. One, from the doctrines of classical liberalism, grounded in the British emphasis on pol itical and economic freedom. The second derived from our Judaeo-Christian heritage itself. As the United States approaches the halfway point in the twentieth century, both views were out of style and the liberali...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Wall St Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Wall St Journal - Essay Example The significance of the major concern linked with the requirement of a 21st century trade policy is of great importance in today’s business world as it might bring new changes particularly in trade liberalization. It is worth mentioning in this similar context that the new alterations especially in the aspect of trade liberalization would lower trade barrier throughout the globe facilitating dynamic global trade (Razeen, â€Å"Its Time for a 21st-Century Trade Policy†). According to the article, it has been apparently observed that the World Trade Organization (WTO) and free-trade agreements (FTAs) are broadly considered as trade negotiations belonging to 20th century and thus requires 21st century trade policies for the purpose of raising the level of global trade with the gaining momentum of globalization along with internationalization. The article mainly focused upon realizing the need for a 21st century trade policy representing that the tariff barriers would be reduced by a considerable level as it is regarded to be one of the major obstructions towards trade. The article concerning â€Å"Its Time for a 21st-Century Trade Policy† revealed that the modern world require adopting as well as executing 21st century related trade policies in order to mitigate or address different financial issues. In this similar concern, one of the economic issues can be identified as sustaining the growth performance of exports. It has been viewed that the growth of exports were not much satisfactory in the early years due to the factor of augmented tariff barriers. Thus, according to the article, the world requires to introduce as well as to implement effective trade policies belonging to 21st century for the purpose of mitigating the aforementioned economic issue by a greater level through lessening tariff barriers by a certain degree (Razeen,† Its Time for a 21st-Century Trade Policy†). The change of 20th century trade policies to 21st century

Friday, November 1, 2019

Equity theory PowerPoint Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Equity theory - PowerPoint Presentation Example The most straightforward approach to see the equity at work, and presumably the most well-known way it does sway representatives, is when partners contrast the work they do with another person that gets paid more than them. Equity is at play at whatever time representatives say things like, John gets paid a great deal more than me, yet doesnt do as much work, or I get paid a considerable measure not exactly Jane, yet this spot couldnt work without me! In each of those circumstances, somebody is contrasting their particular push to-pay degree to another persons and is losing inspiration simultaneously Chuck 2000). The privilege to remunerate or expenses attributed to every data differ relying upon the social setting. In mechanical settings, resources, for example, capital and physical work are seen as "pertinent inputs" – inputs that genuinely qualifies the patron for prizes. In social settings, resources, for example, physical magnificence and consideration are for the most part seen as resources qualifying the holder for social prizes. Singular characteristics, for example, ill-manners and mercilessness are seen as liabilities qualifying the owner for expenses. Inputs commonly incorporate any of the

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Youth Justice in the UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Youth Justice in the UK - Essay Example The essay "Youth Justice in the UK" discusses the following issue - the commitment to effective practice, in itself highly desirable, has frequently been accompanied by an unwarranted certainty about 'what works' allowing little space for debate. There are various factors that contribute towards explaining this statement.Every individual is unique and forms their own assumptions based on their perceptions. Many of the youth are not very clear about life and its consequences, for the main reason of being young, and their perception of life is quite different from a matured adult. Wrong perceptions snowball into various conflicts and contradictions which easily leads them towards crime. According to Laurie Mullins, â€Å"Perception is the root of all organizational behavior; any situation can be analyzed in terms of its perceptual connotations†.Another major cause for leading the youth astray is alcohol and drug abuse. The youth are not in a position to understand the dangers be hind this and are slowly sucked into a kind of trap that the find very difficult to come out of. As they go deeper, they stop at nothing to satisfy this need. They engage in robbery, petty thefts in the beginning but later on move into much bigger crimes such as extortion and murder. The modern day ‘binge drinking culture’ has spawned an acceleration of crime. While most people in the UK, drink within safety limits, but unfortunately the youth are not so serious about this.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Modern Philosophy Essay Example for Free

Modern Philosophy Essay Herman Ebbinghaus has pointed out that psychology and philosophy are intertwined one way or the other. In order for Psychologists to study human behavior, as well as metal process, they must go step back and consider being philosophical. One must be rational and logical when studying this process and behavior, thus going back to psychology’s roots. Towards the end of the Renaissance period, Rene Descartes emerged and was tagged as the father of Modern Philosophy. As mentioned, Philosophy and Psychology work hand in hand in analyzing human behavior. Descartes’ ideas were formed when he said that he found formal education with the Jesuits was not enough to feed his thirst for knowledge and distraught on the lack of knowledge that was fed to him during his college or scholastic days. Because of this he opted to explore and find things out on his own. Descartes strong desire to get answers and fill his doubts with facts and certainties; he spent his time finding ways to unite all knowledge. Though a philosopher, he â€Å"for example, he combined his interests in optics and physiology by extracting the eye of an ox and examining the properties of the lens, thereby discovering the fact that retinal images are inverted (as cited, Vrooman, 1970). † Descartes had four rules: First, he would accept nothing as true unless it presented itself so clearly and distinctly to my mind that there was no reason to doubt it (Descartes, 1637/1960, p. 15). Second, he would take problems and analyze them, reducing them to their fundamental elements. Third, he would systematically work from the simplest of these elements to the more complex, and fourth, he would carefully review his conclusions to be certain of omitting nothing. As a rationalist, he has said that reasoning is innate in humans. The capacity to think and put logic and into, perhaps a situation or event in a person’s life is something that is natural and that people do not rely on just experience. People are given the gift to think and make decisions, and these are made and achieved because of man’s ability to rationalize and think logically. Because he was a scientist and a mathematician, he believed that one must doubt on things that has no basis and can not be explained. Cognitive Psychology deals with mental process or the mental state of a person. For instance, studying or analyzing the mental state of a child. According to Jean Piaget, a person’s mental growth had education as a key role in a child’s mental development. It is said that, it is our teachers or mentors that one develops his perception and thinking, among others. In relation to Ebbinghaus’ study of Memory and Forgetting, experiments have been made in order to analyze a person’s capability to memorize and forget. With the help of research and methodology, and Ebbinghaus’ invention of some tests for memory retention, we begin to understand how memory works and improved. What stuck me most on Watson’s manifesto is his strong point and statement that man’s behavior or contribution has been applied to different facets of life and education. Upon reading this, I realized I believed and agree to his principles and view. Psychology is about behavior and a person’s behavior is linked to how he thinks. There is an array of reasons why a person acts or behaves in a certain way. This may be contributed by life experiences, family background, culture or influences of peers. A person may act differently because of their beliefs as well and their way of living. Behavior is also an expression of one’s feelings and emotions. An art fanatic or an artist may act differently or a little bit off the edge, but to them, their behavior and ways are but normal and they are merely expressing themselves, with the way they talk, dress or even walk. Another example is a person’s cultural beliefs and practices. Because people emerged and come from different races and cultures, they act and behave differently. Cultural beliefs are formed in our minds at very young age. These were passed on to us by our parent or ancestors. And from that very young age, till the time that we grow old, those teachings will remain if not in our hearts but in our subconscious. Even though we move away from our birthplace, one way or the other, in spite the influence of the today’s generation and the ever so changing world, we still go back to our own roots and ways. References (N. A. ). DESCARTES: THE BEGINNINGS OF MODERN PHILOSOPHY AND SCIENCE (N. A.). Chapter 10: JOHN B. WATSONAND THE FOUNDING OF BEHAVIORISM

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Albanian Teenagers :: essays research papers

Depending on the respective culture, the life of a teenager can vary greatly. Certain cultures demand more from their teenagers in terms of family obligations than do other cultures. For example, the typical social life of a teenager whose heritage is tied to Northern Albania demands that the teenager honor his or her family’s wishes above all else. The obligations and the respect that an Albanian teenager shows towards his or her family are very important, and that is what keeps the family tied to each other, and form a bond that not anybody can break. Being an Albanian teenager myself, and getting raised in Northern Albania gave me the knowledge to get to know the exact demands that the parent puts towards the child, and the obligations that the child is supposed to fulfill. The first rule is â€Å"The parent is always right† it doesn’t matter what the situation is, you always have to listen and obey. I think that that rule is very right, because the child doesn’t know anything, and they should now rely on what their mind says but on what the parents say. Also with this rule the child understands that the only person he can listen and know it is right is the parent. This makes the parent-child bond much stronger. The society around the Albanian children had a great impact on you too, because if you don’t follow the rules of the society then you would be considered a very â€Å"bad† person, and everybody would point you out for something you did. Also there were cases when the teenager would be pushed away from the family and the village. For example the most important demand that an Albanian girl has to fulfill is not to date or have sexual intercourse with anybody except for her husband after her marriage. You are expected to do that, and if you don’t then you would be considered the lowest person of all, and you wouldn’t find a man to marry you. Also your family is the one who chooses your husband, except for some cases you had no choice on your mate. If you choose him then he has to be Albanian and definitely from the same religion. For the boys is more different, because they have more choices and they don’t have as many limits as girls have. It seems that everything sounds so brutal and not fair for the Albanian

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Cultural Awareness and Competence Essay

Cultural awareness and competence refers to the ability of an individual to postpone judgment and prejudice toward other people based on their religious background, race or ethnicity, sexual orientation or gender, age, and such, and also one’s capability of understanding, accepting, and even adapting to unfamiliar culture, points of view, beliefs, ideologies, traditions, etc. Raising one’s cultural awareness and competence requires allocating time and exerting effort in learning and understanding the concepts of multiculturalism or cultural diversity. For instance, developing specific learning goals and a plan of action is an excellent start to promoting cultural awareness. My desire to raise my cultural awareness of two specific groups, particularly homosexuals and individuals belonging to the black population, require that I set personal learning goals and a plan of action that will guide how I am going to go about the process of learning and understanding culture based on race, ethnicity, and sexual orientation. For this particular case, I believe that two of my learning goals should include reviewing the history of the African-American people, particularly the reasons why they are being discriminated upon, as well as the unfamiliar cultural practices and traditions and the meaning and significance that deepens or intensify their culture, and understanding the personal sentiments and emotions of homosexuals in order for me to recognize where they are coming from and be able to empathize with them in the process regarding their unfortunate situation especially when it comes to being judged or discriminated because of their sexual orientation. In order for me to realize the aforementioned learning goals, I plan to conduct research by reading books, magazines, newspaper articles, journal publications, research studies, online articles, and such, about black people and homosexuality. Moreover, I feel that there is a need for me to socialize with individuals belonging to the African-American culture and homosexuals in order for me to obtain first-hand information about their sentiments, experiences, knowledge, and such. I believe that through my willingness and determination to immerse myself into the African-American culture and the world of homosexuality, I will be able to promote cultural awareness simply by being conscious of the issues that they burden themselves with. EXODUS International is an online website that discriminates against homosexuals. It is a religion-based organization that provides assistance for individuals who want to â€Å"leave homosexuality. † The organization subtly reiterates that homosexuality is against the will and the word of God and that â€Å"leaving homosexuality† is a way for individuals to live a better life according to what God wants for His children. Moreover, within the lines of EXODUS International’s mission and objectives, the organization clearly mentions that homosexuals will not be able to live a fulfilling and holy life. (EXODUS International, 2005) The blog â€Å"Stuff White People Like† is an online website that discriminates against African-Americans simply because the site is devoted to discuss issues that generalize on the likes and dislikes of white people. The website lists more than one hundred things that white people like. I believe generalizing and labeling things or situations as something that is true or amenable only for a certain race is close to prejudice and bias since one is limiting these things and situations to a particular race only despite the fact that other individuals from diverse racial backgrounds may share the likes and dislikes of white people. (Stuff White People Like, 2009) I can honestly say that I am non-judgmental or prejudice in any way against any group of people in society depending on their race, ethnicity, religion, age, sexual orientation, gender, and such. I am also proud to say that my parents raised me well. Although my family is American and adheres to Christianity as a religion, we do not judge other people from different racial backgrounds and religions. Because of my parents and family, I was able to understand that people are different from each other, and although we are different, I do not have the right to judge other people because of it. Moreover, I understand that people have different frames of mind or worldviews and we see things and situations differently. Handling the matter only requires respect and acceptance and the understanding of cultural diversity or multiculturalism. Judging from my self-assessment of my cultural awareness and competency, I believe I will be able to uphold moral and ethical principles in my profession, especially with issues that concern multiculturalism. Perhaps the only challenge that I would have to face is how I am going to develop and increase my cultural awareness to cope with multicultural trends and new information. References EXODUS International. (2005). Thinking of Leaving Homosexuality? Retrieved January 7, 2009, from Exodus International. Website: http://exodus. to/help/? option=com_content&task=view&id=327&Itemid=147 Harvey, C. & Alard, M. J. (2008). Understanding and Managing Diversity, 4th Ed. Prentice Hall. Stuff White People Like. (2009). Retrieved January 7, 2009, from Stuff White People Like. Website: http://stuffwhitepeoplelike. com/

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Euthanasia: Argumentative essay Essay

The issue I am discussing today is euthanasia. Euthanasia is a practice of terminating a life of a person in a painless or minimally painful way, usually by lethal injection. In some countries it is criminalised, but I believe that euthanasia should be legal, and a basic human right. Euthanasia is a controversial issue because of conflicting moral feelings between different cultures. People say that dying by euthanasia is to die with dignity, instead of living an artificial life on respirators and other life support machines. If a person is terminally ill, and there is nothing anyone can do for them, why should they have to suffer?The text I am focussing on is a very famous book called of mice and men. This book is about a time in the great depression where two friends are struggling to find jobs. The character Lennie, who has a learning disability, is always getting into trouble for things that he doesnt realise are wrong. When Lennie crosses the line and accidentally kills a girl, George realises that if Lennie is caught, he will either be sent to a mental hospital or he will be tortured. Knowing what is truly best for Lennie, George shoots him. The author John Steinbeck is able to effectivly convince the reader to accept his opinion by writing the book about a real life euthanasia situation rather than just sayingeuthanasia isnt murder. When the victim is seriously ill or a threat to the society they shall be put to sleep without breaking the law. It is better to end one life then let it suffer. It is wrong for one to suffer without intentionally doing something wrong. These are some of the arguments that John Steinbeck is getting across in his book. It is hard to know if a life is worth living and when it isnt, but can a pain and suffering so incomprehensible ever be worth living for? A child who has severe disabilities or an elderly person with a painful disease would not get any enjoyment out of their life. Should society really force them to endure such a hardship?Some people may argue that every one should have the right to live, but they often dont know of the pain that these people go through. Sometimes the quality of life is so bad that people have the right to be put to rest if they choose. For example, a once strong, healthy, happy person is just lying in a bed unable to move. Another issue in euthanasia is having to make a choice. Many people believe that voluntary euthanasia is a form of suicide, but the definition of suicide is a person who takes their life due to depression. For depression, people can get help. But for people with painful disabilities it is beyond their control. Some may argue that voluntary euthanasia is too bigger choice for someone to make, but shouldnt people have the option to be put to rest with dignity by means of an injection rather than forms of suicide?For those that have more severe handicaps, sometimes they are incapable of understanding the situation, which makes it more difficult. Some consider involuntary euthanasia a type of murder, but murder is a crime committed against someone. If a person is severally in pain and unable to consent, then would the action of death be against the person, or would it be for the best?There is also a terrible pressure from society. All the arguments against voluntary euthanasia can be used by society to form a terrible psychological pressure on people to continue living for years against their better judgement. One example of this pressure is the risky and painful methods that those who genuinely wish to die would otherwise need to use, such as hanging. There are other factors people often forget about euthanasia such as economic costs. There is a limit on human resources in the world, in some countries there is a serious shortage of hospital space. The energy of doctors should be put on peoples lives that can be saved instead of a continued life of somebody who wants to die. This would increase the general quality of care, and would shorten waiting lists. It is also very hard on families do deal with not having the option of euthanasia. Instead of a memory of the person being happy and strong, they have a memory of the person lying there helpless, not able to feed themselves, get out of bed, or remember who they are. You might say that you should not try and play god by taking someones life away, but then why would god want to inflict so much pain on its creations? i believe that knowone should have to live with a pain that is worse than death. Bibliography Steinbeck, J. 1937, Of mice and Men, Covici, Friede, Inc. Wikipedia ®, Euthanasia, Morning Herald, Euthanasia debate FOUNDATION OF AUSTRALIA INC, Voluntary Euthanasia

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

One dark body essays

One dark body essays One race, enslaved for hundreds of years and taken away from their homeland, only to awake in foreign territories completely conflicting with their racial and native cultural heritage. The Africana heritage is a deep, intrinsic one with roots tied to the earliest know human existence, but within today's society, their ancestry has been created to be multi-cultural and shifted away from their original identity. But identity, with its prismatic and multi-layered dimensions which include racial, cultural, gender, national, and transnational ideals - is a precarious and contested category. The African identity wasn't always this perverse or questioned. With the development of America, many different races were formed and rearranged to fit the norms and standards of the new land, which was thought to be superior. Do you think the Africana people wanted to be taken out of their land, out of their heritage, out of their culture, to assimilate within a society not like anything they had ever seen or probably wanted to see? Du Bois, W.E.B., a black American historian and sociologist, put it perfectly when he made a statement on the ambiguity of the black identity: "One feels his two-ness - An American, a Negro, two souls, two thoughts, two unreconciled strivings, two warring ideals in one dark body." This is describing the Africana experience within America and expressing an effort that black Americans were attempting to reconcile with their Africana heritage with their pride in being U.S. citizens. The pride, though in today's society might hold true - was originally a forced pride in an attempt to declare that this was the land of the free and brave, but hey, for now you are the slaves with no rights. Africana cinema deals with all of these aspects within the films. Through the films, some express black identity with political struggl ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Essay on Consumer Safety Product Dumping

Essay on Consumer Safety Product Dumping Essay on Consumer Safety: Product Dumping Essay on Consumer Safety: Product DumpingThe product dumping is a serious problem that raises a number of ethical issues, since products banned in the US, for example, may be easily sold in other countries, where quality standards and government regulations are not so strict as they are in the US. In such a situation, companies, which have their products banned in the US by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) can still sell their product abroad, in those countries where there are no bans to their products. As a result, companies selling such products pursue maximum profits, although they are fully aware of the fact that they expose customers’ health and probably life to certain risks because of which their products are banned in the US. in such a situation, customers life and health are at stake, on the one hand, and companies’ profits are on the other hand. From the legal standpoint, companies can sell products, which are banned in the US, abroad, but from th e ethical standpoint, such policies of companies are questionable and, as a rule, unacceptable because material benefits of companies cannot be more important than safety, i.e. life and health of patients. If companies keep selling products that have already been banned in the US, then they intentionally expose their customers to risks and threats, which have already caused the ban of their products in the US, but the poor regulation and safety requirements allow companies to sell dangerous products abroad.In such a situation, policies of companies, which have their products banned in the US and having option to sell those products abroad, may view their position from different theoretical perspectives. In this regard, the utilitarian perspective grounded on the principle of utility is likely to be the most popular among companies because this theory allows moral agents to take decisions on the ground of the principle of utility. Therefore, if the decision to sell products is benefi cial for the company then the decision is reasonable, especially taking into consideration the fact that the share of customers, who may be hurt somehow by products banned in the US is relatively small. Therefore, the principle of utility works pretty well in such a situation, because the majority of stakeholders benefit from selling products banned in the US: companies gain financial and market in benefits, their employees get jobs, while customers get products, which they use for their specific purposes, as a rule, being unaware of consequences and risks associated with those products. The principle of utility justifies the practice of selling products abroad, even if they are banned in the US.Alternatively, policies of companies may be viewed from the deontological theoretical perspective. Deontology holds the premise that all actions of moral agents should be viewed in the context of moral rules and norms. Any action of the moral agent is reasonable and morally correct as long a s it matches traditional moral norms and principles. In such a context, companies selling products, which are banned in the US, abroad act immorally and violate rights of customers to purchase safe and reliable products. Exposing customers to risks and threats is morally wrong from the deontological perspective. At this point, it is possible to refer to one of the fundamental principles of deontology, the kingdom of ends principle. The kingdom of ends principle implies that all people or moral agents commit virtuous acts that mean acts that are grounded on moral and just principles. In case of sales of products banned in the US abroad, it is possible to trace injustice in relation to customers overseas since companies act unjustly in relation to them selling products which are a priory not safe because they have already been banned by the US CPSC. Instead, companies should be driven by moral concerns and remain virtuous through the respect to the well-being of customers. Therefore, in the ideal society, where the kingdom of ends principle is respected, companies, as moral agents, cannot sell products that are potentially dangerous and are already banned.At this point, the deontological theory is close to the virtue theory and the right formation of character. The virtue theory holds the premise that all moral agents should be virtuous and respect moral norms and values strictly. Being virtuous is the only right way of life in terms of the virtue theory. At the same time, the development of the virtuous lifestyle and the full devotion of individuals to such virtuous lifestyle are possible only on the condition of the right formation of character. The right formation of character means that individuals learn positive, virtuous models of behavior, moral norms and principles. In such a way, the right formation of character leads to the formation of moral agents, who are virtuous and commit only morally correct acts. For instance, in case of companies, which have t heir products banned in the US, the application of the virtue theory and the concept of the formation of character means that companies should act in a virtuous way, respecting the principle of justice and, thus, they should extrapolate the ban on all sales of their products, which have been already banned either in the US or in any other country of the world.At the same time, it is possible to distinguish moral and intellectual virtues which may not coincide. What is meant here is the fact that intellectual virtues imply the prevalence of rationality in actions and decisions of the moral agent, whereas moral virtues imply the prevalence of morality and moral correctness in actions and decisions of the moral agent. Therefore, from the standpoint of intellectual virtues, the decision to sell products that have been banned in the US is not absolutely wrong or not virtuous. Instead, if this decision is driven by rational reasons, then it can be implemented in terms of the virtue theory on the ground of the intellectual virtue because such act will have reasonable justification. For instance, if products are not banned in other countries, then they match safety regulations established in those countries and they are not really dangerous to customers’ health, life, etc. Instead, the US rules may be just too strict and set excessive requirements to safety of products. From the rational standpoint, such a view is reasonable and, therefore, has the intellectual virtue sufficient for the virtue theory to accept such way of actions as correct.In such a situation, the decision many companies have to make, when they face the ban of their products in the US, is extremely difficult and challenging in ethical terms. In this respect, companies should conduct the detailed analysis of their products and to assess real risks and threats of their products to the safety of customers. At this point, it is worth mentioning the fact that decisions of the CPSC may be the result of trade wars the US directly or indirectly involved in as was the case of trade wars between the US and Europe in the past. As a result, many European companies could not sell their products in the US as well as American companies could not sell their products in Europe. However, such a ban was driven not by the customer safety concerns but by economic interests and concerns of the US. Therefore, such products could be sold in other countries, even if they were banned in the US. Nevertheless, companies should put the safety of customers as their primary concern as the only criterion for taking just decisions. This means that companies should not sell products that are unsafe for their customers.Thus, the safety of products is extremely important and companies, as moral agents, should act responsibly. Even though some ethical theories justify sales of products banned in the US to customers in other countries of the world, even if such products are dangerous for customers’ sa fety, health and life. In this regard, the possible solution of the ethical dilemma companies, which have their products in the US, have is the assessment of the safety of their products and justification of the safety of those products. What is meant here is the fact that companies should justify and prove that their products are still safe enough to be sold to customers without any risk to their safety.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Stinky Pinky Definition and Examples

Stinky Pinky Definition and Examples A rhyming epithet, such as glad dad for a happy father, or wild child for an uncontrollable youngster, is called a stinky pinky. Made up of an adjective and a rhyming noun, a stinky pinky is a type of rhyming compound that functions as a playful definition. As a word game, stinky pinky goes by various names, including hink pink, hank pank, wordy gurdy, and brain train. Examples and Observations 50 Stinky Pinkies an artificial body of water fake lakea bashful insect shy flya bed on fire hot cota better cafe finer dinera better knife nicer slicera boxer who has lost weight lighter fightera cautious bird wary canarycerebral overwork brain strainthe chief of police top copa chubby kitty fat catcolored lemonade pink drinka dark-colored sled dog dusky huskya deceased Marxist dead reddehydrated soup chowder powdera dismal chorus dire choira ditch in Paris French trencha fast elevator swift liftthe funniest joke best jestan explosion in a hen house gizzard blizzarda fanatical slave zealot helota fat fish - stout trouta fuzzy fruit - hairy berrya greased hen slick chicka group yell team screama grumpy mountaintop cynical pinnaclea happier small dog merrier terriera holiday in Panama isthmus Christmasthe home of a small rodent mouse housean impolite man rude dudean inactive flower lazy daisyan ink-stained little finger inky pinkya large toupee big wigpermission to take so mething away removal approvala rabbit that makes you laugh funny bunnya sensible pupil prudent studenta skinny little horse bony ponya smarter author brighter writera smelly finger stinky pinkya smiling father happy pappya Snickers bar dropped on the beach sandy candya strange looking goatee weird bearda superior pullover better sweatera supervisor in a bad mood cross bossa suspicious looking clergyman sinister ministera tardy spouse late matea temperate youngster mild childa tiny insect wee beea useful rule effective directivea wet puppy soggy doggya young cat in love smitten kitten Shawn Colvin on the Stinky-Pinky Game To play Stinky Pinky, you thought of an adjective and a noun that rhymed, hence the name Stinky Pinky, and described the thing without rhyming in order to challenge the other players to guess your Stinky Pinky. You started out simply; a farm animals sea vessel would naturally be a goat boat, and so forth, although single-syllable answers were called Stink-Pinks, two-syllables Stinky Pinkys, and of course three-syllable rhymes were Stinkity-Pinkitys. One of my fathers favorite words to rhyme was gherkin, as in pickle. Dad thought of a loitering picklea lurkin gherkina saucy picklea smirkin gherkina busy picklea workin gherkin.(Shawn Colvin, Diamond in the Rough: A Memoir. William Morrow, 2012) How to Play Stinky Pinky This game has acquired more elegant names since I first played it as a child, but this is the name I knew . . .. The game requires two or more players. One player thinks up a rhyming pair of words and provides a verbal cluea non-rhyming definition. The other player(s) must discover the rhyming word pair. The example that comes immediately to mind from my childhood games is this one: Player A: obese feline animalPlayer B: fat cat I actually remember, at the age of seven or eight, learning the meaning of the words obese and feline in this context.The game encourages careful listening to the clue and narrowing down the possibilities for an answer, constrained by the syntax of the clue and the need to find rhyming words.(Margie Golick, Playing With Words. Pembroke, 1987) Stinky Pinkies in the 1940s Atlanta subdebs [teenage girls] have a little patois somewhat like old Pig Latin which they call Stinky Pinky. It contains words like Super-Snooper (a G-man), Flyer-Higher (an aviator), Snooty-Beauty (a debutante), Hen-Pen (a girls school), Jug-Mug (a man in jail), and Silly Filly (a young girl). (Subdebs. Life magazine, January 27, 1941) A Double Stinky Pinky A stinky pinky is a rhyming pair of words; one gives a paraphrase and the challenge is to recover the stinky pinky. I believe Paul [Halmos] is responsible for the following excellent double stinky pinky. Give a stinky pinky for an inebriated scoundrel. Answers: a drunk skunk or a plastered bastard. (Irving Kaplansky, Reminiscences. Paul Halmos: Celebrating 50 Years of Mathematics, ed. by John H. Ewing and F.W. Gehring. Springer-Verlag, 1991)

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Data Storage, memory allocations and communications in use in Assignment

Data Storage, memory allocations and communications in use in computing systems - Assignment Example Assume that you want to store 100GB of data onto the free space that you have on your hard drive. If data is uploaded to your machine via a phone line with a rate of 28,400 bps, how long would it take to fill the available storage space? Use one of the many sites available on the Internet to investigate the speed of your personal Internet connection. With that speed, how long would it take to store/upload that data? Does it make a difference what kind of files you are transferring (text, images, video)? If so, estimate the range of time it may take to fill up your hard drive. How many cells can be in a computer's main memory if each cell's address can be represented by two hexadecimal digits? What if four hexadecimal digits are used? Explain your answer. Suppose three values (x, y, and z) are stored in a machine's memory. Describe the sequence of events (loading registers from memory, saving values in memory, and so on) that lead to the computation of x + y + z. How about (2x) + y? Suppose a communication line is being used to transmit data serially at 14,400 bps. If a burst of interference lasts .01 second, how many data bits would be affected?

Friday, October 18, 2019

Economic and Political Motives for European Expansion into Africa Essay

Economic and Political Motives for European Expansion into Africa - Essay Example Missionaries persuaded their respective European governments to colonize Africa and thereby provide a supportive environment for the expansion of commerce. European powers used mineral exploitation, large-scale agricultural production, mixed economies as well as the supply of labor as modes of economic activity to generate revenue in colonial Africa. The major political reason that led to European expansion in Africa was political rivalries between the countries. England and France loathed one another for a considerable length of time due to the infamous hundred year’s war, and they both wanted to outdo each other in Africa. Nonetheless, the race for power was not limited to France and Britain. Other European nations wanted to benefit as well. Nationalism was popular among most western European nations as each nation wanted to be strongest. Nationalism is a strong identification with and pride in one's nation.This resulted in competition between European powers leading to wars . This competition made most nations to acquire more territories to uphold the spirit of nationalism in order to be seen superior than other nations. The strategy was another political reason for colonization of Africa. Most European countries were keen to maintain control of specific territories for strategic reasons. The British considered that South Africa offered a useful stop for ships on their way to India. Besides, the Suez Canal in Egypt significantly created a much shorter route between the UK and her colonies further east.

Intro to business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Intro to business - Assignment Example This all new process will reduce the cost of production greatly and make this fuel economical for the consumers as well. The shell had in the past suffered from a production stoppage due to the fire eruption at their Bintulu, Malaysian plant in 1997. This resulted in the discontinuity of the Gas to Liquid process because at that time only one plant of the Shell was operational. But now they have developed a new GLT plant that is ten times more in its production capacity, as compared to the Malaysian plant, in Doha, Qatar. By the way it is the world’s largest GLT plant, Shell’s forty years of research has paid back to them in an impressive manner. Qatar has the largest reserves of natural gas in the world as well. Second thing the Shell should use cheap transportation methods in order to make it (fuel) affordable for the people globally. Natural gas is mostly available in the remote areas and it costs a lot to transport the final product from those areas to the reach of the people. The Shell should also switch to the direct production method for GLT. This will help them to reduce their production cost greatly. This reduction in production cost would be then transferred to the ultimate consumers. Over the last forty years Shell has poured billions of dollars in their new GLT technology in order to provide efficient and cost effective fuel alternative to the people. Five year time to judge the success or failure of this project is like a pinch of salt in flour. These sort of projects require sometime to reach the breakeven and also in reaping profits. GLT will be really fruitful for the Shell because of the price hike of petroleum products globally. Moreover they know that they will harvest success as more and more people are becoming conscious to minimize their footprints on the planet

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Anatomy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Anatomy - Assignment Example In this case, the last pathway stage is seen to regenerate the compound that is used in first step. There are 8 steps of the cycle and all of them are redox, decarboxylation and dehydration reaction which yield two molecules of carbon dioxide, reduced forms of NADH and FADH2 and one GTP/ATP. The reaction is taken to be an aerobic pathway since the FADH2 and NADH produced are supposed to transfer their electrons to the pathway that is next in the system that will utilize oxygen. If this transfer does not take place, the citric acid cycle oxidation steps will as well not occur. It is noted that citric acid cycle generates very little ATP directly and it never utilize oxygen. The acetyl group in the citric acid cycle is attached to four molecules of carbon oxaloacetate to form a six carbon citrate molecule. Citrate is oxidized through a series of steps and in this case it releases 2 carbon dioxide molecules for every acetyl group fed into the cycle. In the due course, 3 molecules of NAD + are seen to be reduced to NADH, A molecule of FAD is reduced to FADH2 as well as one ATP (based on the type of cell) is generated (through substrate-level phosphorylation).Since the final citric acid cycle product is as well the reactant, the cycle is seen to run continuously in the presence of reactants that are sufficient (Aragon and Lowenstein, 1980). Condensation is the first step. In this case, the 2 carbon acetyl group from acetyl CoA combines with a molecule of 4 carbon oxaloacetate to generate a citrate molecule of 6 carbons. CoA is seen to be bound to a sulfhydryl group and it diffuses away and combines with another acetyl group. The step is known to be irreversible since it is highly exergenic.The reaction rate is regulated by the negative feedback and the available ATP amount. It there is an increase in ATP levels, the reaction rate will decrease. If it ATP is limited, the reaction

Erikson and Piaget in Action Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Erikson and Piaget in Action - Essay Example Piaget's preoperational stage and Erikson's Initiative Versus Guilt take place during the preschool years of ages three to six. Preoperational is Jean Piaget's second stage of development, which occurs during the preschool ages of three to six years. Three aspects of this stage are symbolic function, deferred imitation, and qualitative identity. "Symbolic function is the ability to use one thing as a symbol to represent something else." (Vasta et al 268). For example, the observed child used an empty laundry basket to represent driving a car. The child also used words to represent being a cat by meowing and licking hands like a cat licks paws saying, "I am a Kitty." Symbolic function develops skills used in the learning process for academic work. The teacher can develop representation by associating words with pictures to increase vocabulary, which in turn will also help increase social skills as well as academics. Deferred Imitation is when a child observes an action by someone and then imitates that action sometime in the future. For example, the caregiver of the child observed swept the floor yesterday and today the three year old is imitating her mother sweeping the floor. Deferred imitation proves not only the development of memory, but also the ability to learn by observation. Qualitative Identity is when a child knows that something does not changed even though it appears different. For example, crushing cheerios does not change them into another cereal: the cheerios are still cheerios. The sibling of the observed child ripped the three year olds' picture; the ripped picture was still her picture. However, a lack of conservation is a limitation for preschoolers in the preoperational stage. Observing the child practicing counting gave an understanding of conservation. For example, the caregiver created two rows of beads spread evenly and asked the child if they had the same number and the child answered correctly. However, when the caregiver spread one row longer then the other, the child believed that longer row had more beads than the shorter row even though both rows had the sa me number. The observed child focused only on the length of the line instead of counting the number of beads, which is an example of centration. Letting the child manipulate different objects, like clay, that can change shape and length without affecting quantity or volume can build conservation. Another cognitive skill that attribute to the academic work of preschoolers are egocentrism, class inclusion and serration. "Egocentrism is the inability to distinguish one's own beliefs from another's." (Vasta et al G-2). Children assume that a listener has all the same information that they have and this view of the world makes it difficult to understand the child when they are telling someone about their day. The caregiver of the observed child discovered difficulty when the child got hurt. The child assumed the caregiver knew how she got hurt and it took some questioning before the answer of how was give. The child was constantly referring to everything as "mine"; for example, my toys, my book, my television program. In the mind of a preschooler, the world is about them and nothing else is important. Despite the egocentric

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Anatomy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Anatomy - Assignment Example In this case, the last pathway stage is seen to regenerate the compound that is used in first step. There are 8 steps of the cycle and all of them are redox, decarboxylation and dehydration reaction which yield two molecules of carbon dioxide, reduced forms of NADH and FADH2 and one GTP/ATP. The reaction is taken to be an aerobic pathway since the FADH2 and NADH produced are supposed to transfer their electrons to the pathway that is next in the system that will utilize oxygen. If this transfer does not take place, the citric acid cycle oxidation steps will as well not occur. It is noted that citric acid cycle generates very little ATP directly and it never utilize oxygen. The acetyl group in the citric acid cycle is attached to four molecules of carbon oxaloacetate to form a six carbon citrate molecule. Citrate is oxidized through a series of steps and in this case it releases 2 carbon dioxide molecules for every acetyl group fed into the cycle. In the due course, 3 molecules of NAD + are seen to be reduced to NADH, A molecule of FAD is reduced to FADH2 as well as one ATP (based on the type of cell) is generated (through substrate-level phosphorylation).Since the final citric acid cycle product is as well the reactant, the cycle is seen to run continuously in the presence of reactants that are sufficient (Aragon and Lowenstein, 1980). Condensation is the first step. In this case, the 2 carbon acetyl group from acetyl CoA combines with a molecule of 4 carbon oxaloacetate to generate a citrate molecule of 6 carbons. CoA is seen to be bound to a sulfhydryl group and it diffuses away and combines with another acetyl group. The step is known to be irreversible since it is highly exergenic.The reaction rate is regulated by the negative feedback and the available ATP amount. It there is an increase in ATP levels, the reaction rate will decrease. If it ATP is limited, the reaction