Saturday, December 28, 2019

Graduation Speech My New College Environment Essay

Eighteen candles blazed before my eyelids as family and friends chimed Las Mananitas around my twin sister and I. The song concluded with cheers and chants from all sides, as my cousin yells out, â€Å"Make a wish!† I closed my eyes and repeated the same wish I had for the last three years. Taking a deep breath in, it whispered from the recesses of my mind, I wish to change. When I entered my teen years the stronger my wish for a transformation of some kind, physical or emotional grew. I cannot pinpoint the moment I stopped liking the type of person I was and spent high searching for communities hoping they would be my catalyst with no avail. As I entered college, I hoped Los Angeles would be my place of transformation, but adjusting to my new college environment proved challenging and as the semester wore on my wish became a faint memory. Although I was only eight hours away from the Bay Area the homesickness never left me. Longing for my large intimate family and realized I would needed to find a community at my college if I were to survive emotionally. I attended meetings for different cultural clubs, the only places I felt accepted due to the lack of cultural diversity on campus. They were enjoyable yet lacked the intimacy I craved. I wanted a place I could call home,where I could grow, challenge myself, and contribute to the campus environment. When I heard about Sigma Lambda Gamma Sorority being the only multicultural Greek organization at my institution I was intrigued.Show MoreRelatedGraduation Speech : Mathematics As A Computer Technician1270 Words   |  6 PagesIn my last speech I joked around about my dad and his degree in mathematics as a computer technician saying that it was such an odd match up; but in reality, it couldn’t have worked out better. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Who Is A Four Year Institution - 1393 Words

Many first-time freshmen enroll into a four year institution with the belief that they will graduate in four years. Unfortunately, the reality of it is that only a few of those individuals actually graduate in four years. According to â€Å"California State University, Fresno: First-Time Full-Time Freshmen Four-Year Fall 2000 to Fall 2009 Graduation Rates†, about an average of 200 students graduated in four years out of about 2,000 who entered. Now you may ask yourself, how is this possible if it is said to be a four year institution? Yes, it may be established and known as a 4 year institution, but that does not guarantee an undergraduate a completion of their degree within four years. There are many contributions that play an important†¦show more content†¦If in the event, you do decide in changing your major, adding a minor and or a certificate; it is crucial to meet with both an academic advisor and your designated major advisor. Meeting with your academic ad visor can not only make you more aware of your resources, but also help you acknowledge the GE requirements you must fulfill in order to graduate. However, some majors do require courses that must be taken prior to upper division courses and can possibly also double as both the GE requirements and major requirements. This could save you money and time, which is very valuable throughout your college experience. Meeting with your major advisor is also very helpful because some majors do require courses that are just intended for that major. For instance, the major of Criminology for the first year they require undergraduates to enroll in CRIM 1 and CRIM 2 which are courses that inform and educate students on the criminal system over all. These courses are required for all options and must be taken prior to taking upper division major courses. This is important information because it is essential for staying on track and being aware of the priorities your major expects from you. Since it is mandatory for me to meet with my advisor each semester because of EOP, I met up with my assigned academic advisor at the beginning of Fall Semester. She advised me to take one criminology

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Story of David Goliath free essay sample

The story of David and Goliath is one of the most interesting stories in the bible. Goliath was a huge man. He was a giant that stood about 9 feet tall. He cursed at the Israelites and threw bad insults towards their God. He was a Philistine and wanted to settle the battle in a one-on-one contest so that many soldiers did not have to die. He was asking for one man among the Israelites to come out to fight for them. Everyone was afraid because he was such a terrifying giant. David was just a small teenager. He was young, but he was brave. Although Goliath had a suit of armor, all David had was a slingshot and five smooth stones and his shepherd staff. King Saul tried to get David to wear armor to protect him, but it was too heavy and David had never tried to fight with it on before. We will write a custom essay sample on Story of David Goliath or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page So he left it behind and trusted God. When Goliath saw that the Israelites sent a boy to fight, he made fun of them some more. Then he told David he was going to rip him apart and feed him to the birds and beasts. David answered bravely and told him God would get the glory and that his armour and weapons will soon prove no match for him. David’s slingshot was a rope with a small pouch on the end and you would wave it around in a circle to get the speed you needed to release the stone. When Goliath came at David, he didnt get scared and run away. He went straight at Goliath. He took out a smooth stone from his shepherd’s bag and placed it in the sling. Then he slung it at the giant and hit him squarely in the forehead. It went into his skull and killed Goliath. Then David went and took Goliaths sword and cut off his head. That scared the Philistines so badly that they ran away in fear and were chased by the Israelites out of the land. That’s the story of David and Goliath.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

”Bus 174” by Jose Padilha Essay Sample free essay sample

The documental Bus 174. by Jose Padilha showed and described the life of Sandro Rosa do Nascimento. The docudrama was filmed with cartridge holders of camera crews who were on scene ; in add-on to that there were interviews with those who knew Sandro on a personal degree. The movie started off with street childs from Brazil explicating how life was for the hapless. as the camera overviewed the slums of Brazil. Throughout the docudrama. the movie jumped back in 4th in scenes from when Sandro was a child and how he grew up. to the twenty-four hours of the â€Å"interrupted robbery† stunt he pulled off. As the camera operators broadcasted Sandro’s coach robbery live all throughout Brazil. Sandro believed people really acknowledged him for one time and felt like he was protected from the constabulary. Not cognizing that the minute he would step foot off the coach. the constabulary eventually reacted and attempted to hit him but missed. We will write a custom essay sample on †Bus 174† by Jose Padilha Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Police so rushed and took him to gaol ; Sandro shortly passed off from suffocation. which was done by the constabulary as agencies of repressing him. The point of position was chiefly Sandro’s point of position. it was his clip to reflect and no 1 was traveling to halt him. Throughout his life Sandro hadn’t been acknowledged by anyone. he was a street child that was â€Å"invisible† to others but his ain sort. One individual interviewed was a psychologist. he said Sandro did this whole coach scene because he wanted recognition and glorification. that’s why he would come out and suggest a menace. he would invariably convey up state of affairss in the yesteryear where childs in the slums of Brazil of how thy were being treated.