Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Youth Justice in the UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Youth Justice in the UK - Essay Example The essay "Youth Justice in the UK" discusses the following issue - the commitment to effective practice, in itself highly desirable, has frequently been accompanied by an unwarranted certainty about 'what works' allowing little space for debate. There are various factors that contribute towards explaining this statement.Every individual is unique and forms their own assumptions based on their perceptions. Many of the youth are not very clear about life and its consequences, for the main reason of being young, and their perception of life is quite different from a matured adult. Wrong perceptions snowball into various conflicts and contradictions which easily leads them towards crime. According to Laurie Mullins, â€Å"Perception is the root of all organizational behavior; any situation can be analyzed in terms of its perceptual connotations†.Another major cause for leading the youth astray is alcohol and drug abuse. The youth are not in a position to understand the dangers be hind this and are slowly sucked into a kind of trap that the find very difficult to come out of. As they go deeper, they stop at nothing to satisfy this need. They engage in robbery, petty thefts in the beginning but later on move into much bigger crimes such as extortion and murder. The modern day ‘binge drinking culture’ has spawned an acceleration of crime. While most people in the UK, drink within safety limits, but unfortunately the youth are not so serious about this.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Modern Philosophy Essay Example for Free

Modern Philosophy Essay Herman Ebbinghaus has pointed out that psychology and philosophy are intertwined one way or the other. In order for Psychologists to study human behavior, as well as metal process, they must go step back and consider being philosophical. One must be rational and logical when studying this process and behavior, thus going back to psychology’s roots. Towards the end of the Renaissance period, Rene Descartes emerged and was tagged as the father of Modern Philosophy. As mentioned, Philosophy and Psychology work hand in hand in analyzing human behavior. Descartes’ ideas were formed when he said that he found formal education with the Jesuits was not enough to feed his thirst for knowledge and distraught on the lack of knowledge that was fed to him during his college or scholastic days. Because of this he opted to explore and find things out on his own. Descartes strong desire to get answers and fill his doubts with facts and certainties; he spent his time finding ways to unite all knowledge. Though a philosopher, he â€Å"for example, he combined his interests in optics and physiology by extracting the eye of an ox and examining the properties of the lens, thereby discovering the fact that retinal images are inverted (as cited, Vrooman, 1970). † Descartes had four rules: First, he would accept nothing as true unless it presented itself so clearly and distinctly to my mind that there was no reason to doubt it (Descartes, 1637/1960, p. 15). Second, he would take problems and analyze them, reducing them to their fundamental elements. Third, he would systematically work from the simplest of these elements to the more complex, and fourth, he would carefully review his conclusions to be certain of omitting nothing. As a rationalist, he has said that reasoning is innate in humans. The capacity to think and put logic and into, perhaps a situation or event in a person’s life is something that is natural and that people do not rely on just experience. People are given the gift to think and make decisions, and these are made and achieved because of man’s ability to rationalize and think logically. Because he was a scientist and a mathematician, he believed that one must doubt on things that has no basis and can not be explained. Cognitive Psychology deals with mental process or the mental state of a person. For instance, studying or analyzing the mental state of a child. According to Jean Piaget, a person’s mental growth had education as a key role in a child’s mental development. It is said that, it is our teachers or mentors that one develops his perception and thinking, among others. In relation to Ebbinghaus’ study of Memory and Forgetting, experiments have been made in order to analyze a person’s capability to memorize and forget. With the help of research and methodology, and Ebbinghaus’ invention of some tests for memory retention, we begin to understand how memory works and improved. What stuck me most on Watson’s manifesto is his strong point and statement that man’s behavior or contribution has been applied to different facets of life and education. Upon reading this, I realized I believed and agree to his principles and view. Psychology is about behavior and a person’s behavior is linked to how he thinks. There is an array of reasons why a person acts or behaves in a certain way. This may be contributed by life experiences, family background, culture or influences of peers. A person may act differently because of their beliefs as well and their way of living. Behavior is also an expression of one’s feelings and emotions. An art fanatic or an artist may act differently or a little bit off the edge, but to them, their behavior and ways are but normal and they are merely expressing themselves, with the way they talk, dress or even walk. Another example is a person’s cultural beliefs and practices. Because people emerged and come from different races and cultures, they act and behave differently. Cultural beliefs are formed in our minds at very young age. These were passed on to us by our parent or ancestors. And from that very young age, till the time that we grow old, those teachings will remain if not in our hearts but in our subconscious. Even though we move away from our birthplace, one way or the other, in spite the influence of the today’s generation and the ever so changing world, we still go back to our own roots and ways. References (N. A. ). DESCARTES: THE BEGINNINGS OF MODERN PHILOSOPHY AND SCIENCE (N. A.). Chapter 10: JOHN B. WATSONAND THE FOUNDING OF BEHAVIORISM

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Albanian Teenagers :: essays research papers

Depending on the respective culture, the life of a teenager can vary greatly. Certain cultures demand more from their teenagers in terms of family obligations than do other cultures. For example, the typical social life of a teenager whose heritage is tied to Northern Albania demands that the teenager honor his or her family’s wishes above all else. The obligations and the respect that an Albanian teenager shows towards his or her family are very important, and that is what keeps the family tied to each other, and form a bond that not anybody can break. Being an Albanian teenager myself, and getting raised in Northern Albania gave me the knowledge to get to know the exact demands that the parent puts towards the child, and the obligations that the child is supposed to fulfill. The first rule is â€Å"The parent is always right† it doesn’t matter what the situation is, you always have to listen and obey. I think that that rule is very right, because the child doesn’t know anything, and they should now rely on what their mind says but on what the parents say. Also with this rule the child understands that the only person he can listen and know it is right is the parent. This makes the parent-child bond much stronger. The society around the Albanian children had a great impact on you too, because if you don’t follow the rules of the society then you would be considered a very â€Å"bad† person, and everybody would point you out for something you did. Also there were cases when the teenager would be pushed away from the family and the village. For example the most important demand that an Albanian girl has to fulfill is not to date or have sexual intercourse with anybody except for her husband after her marriage. You are expected to do that, and if you don’t then you would be considered the lowest person of all, and you wouldn’t find a man to marry you. Also your family is the one who chooses your husband, except for some cases you had no choice on your mate. If you choose him then he has to be Albanian and definitely from the same religion. For the boys is more different, because they have more choices and they don’t have as many limits as girls have. It seems that everything sounds so brutal and not fair for the Albanian

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Cultural Awareness and Competence Essay

Cultural awareness and competence refers to the ability of an individual to postpone judgment and prejudice toward other people based on their religious background, race or ethnicity, sexual orientation or gender, age, and such, and also one’s capability of understanding, accepting, and even adapting to unfamiliar culture, points of view, beliefs, ideologies, traditions, etc. Raising one’s cultural awareness and competence requires allocating time and exerting effort in learning and understanding the concepts of multiculturalism or cultural diversity. For instance, developing specific learning goals and a plan of action is an excellent start to promoting cultural awareness. My desire to raise my cultural awareness of two specific groups, particularly homosexuals and individuals belonging to the black population, require that I set personal learning goals and a plan of action that will guide how I am going to go about the process of learning and understanding culture based on race, ethnicity, and sexual orientation. For this particular case, I believe that two of my learning goals should include reviewing the history of the African-American people, particularly the reasons why they are being discriminated upon, as well as the unfamiliar cultural practices and traditions and the meaning and significance that deepens or intensify their culture, and understanding the personal sentiments and emotions of homosexuals in order for me to recognize where they are coming from and be able to empathize with them in the process regarding their unfortunate situation especially when it comes to being judged or discriminated because of their sexual orientation. In order for me to realize the aforementioned learning goals, I plan to conduct research by reading books, magazines, newspaper articles, journal publications, research studies, online articles, and such, about black people and homosexuality. Moreover, I feel that there is a need for me to socialize with individuals belonging to the African-American culture and homosexuals in order for me to obtain first-hand information about their sentiments, experiences, knowledge, and such. I believe that through my willingness and determination to immerse myself into the African-American culture and the world of homosexuality, I will be able to promote cultural awareness simply by being conscious of the issues that they burden themselves with. EXODUS International is an online website that discriminates against homosexuals. It is a religion-based organization that provides assistance for individuals who want to â€Å"leave homosexuality. † The organization subtly reiterates that homosexuality is against the will and the word of God and that â€Å"leaving homosexuality† is a way for individuals to live a better life according to what God wants for His children. Moreover, within the lines of EXODUS International’s mission and objectives, the organization clearly mentions that homosexuals will not be able to live a fulfilling and holy life. (EXODUS International, 2005) The blog â€Å"Stuff White People Like† is an online website that discriminates against African-Americans simply because the site is devoted to discuss issues that generalize on the likes and dislikes of white people. The website lists more than one hundred things that white people like. I believe generalizing and labeling things or situations as something that is true or amenable only for a certain race is close to prejudice and bias since one is limiting these things and situations to a particular race only despite the fact that other individuals from diverse racial backgrounds may share the likes and dislikes of white people. (Stuff White People Like, 2009) I can honestly say that I am non-judgmental or prejudice in any way against any group of people in society depending on their race, ethnicity, religion, age, sexual orientation, gender, and such. I am also proud to say that my parents raised me well. Although my family is American and adheres to Christianity as a religion, we do not judge other people from different racial backgrounds and religions. Because of my parents and family, I was able to understand that people are different from each other, and although we are different, I do not have the right to judge other people because of it. Moreover, I understand that people have different frames of mind or worldviews and we see things and situations differently. Handling the matter only requires respect and acceptance and the understanding of cultural diversity or multiculturalism. Judging from my self-assessment of my cultural awareness and competency, I believe I will be able to uphold moral and ethical principles in my profession, especially with issues that concern multiculturalism. Perhaps the only challenge that I would have to face is how I am going to develop and increase my cultural awareness to cope with multicultural trends and new information. References EXODUS International. (2005). Thinking of Leaving Homosexuality? Retrieved January 7, 2009, from Exodus International. Website: http://exodus. to/help/? option=com_content&task=view&id=327&Itemid=147 Harvey, C. & Alard, M. J. (2008). Understanding and Managing Diversity, 4th Ed. Prentice Hall. Stuff White People Like. (2009). Retrieved January 7, 2009, from Stuff White People Like. Website: http://stuffwhitepeoplelike. com/

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Euthanasia: Argumentative essay Essay

The issue I am discussing today is euthanasia. Euthanasia is a practice of terminating a life of a person in a painless or minimally painful way, usually by lethal injection. In some countries it is criminalised, but I believe that euthanasia should be legal, and a basic human right. Euthanasia is a controversial issue because of conflicting moral feelings between different cultures. People say that dying by euthanasia is to die with dignity, instead of living an artificial life on respirators and other life support machines. If a person is terminally ill, and there is nothing anyone can do for them, why should they have to suffer?The text I am focussing on is a very famous book called of mice and men. This book is about a time in the great depression where two friends are struggling to find jobs. The character Lennie, who has a learning disability, is always getting into trouble for things that he doesnt realise are wrong. When Lennie crosses the line and accidentally kills a girl, George realises that if Lennie is caught, he will either be sent to a mental hospital or he will be tortured. Knowing what is truly best for Lennie, George shoots him. The author John Steinbeck is able to effectivly convince the reader to accept his opinion by writing the book about a real life euthanasia situation rather than just sayingeuthanasia isnt murder. When the victim is seriously ill or a threat to the society they shall be put to sleep without breaking the law. It is better to end one life then let it suffer. It is wrong for one to suffer without intentionally doing something wrong. These are some of the arguments that John Steinbeck is getting across in his book. It is hard to know if a life is worth living and when it isnt, but can a pain and suffering so incomprehensible ever be worth living for? A child who has severe disabilities or an elderly person with a painful disease would not get any enjoyment out of their life. Should society really force them to endure such a hardship?Some people may argue that every one should have the right to live, but they often dont know of the pain that these people go through. Sometimes the quality of life is so bad that people have the right to be put to rest if they choose. For example, a once strong, healthy, happy person is just lying in a bed unable to move. Another issue in euthanasia is having to make a choice. Many people believe that voluntary euthanasia is a form of suicide, but the definition of suicide is a person who takes their life due to depression. For depression, people can get help. But for people with painful disabilities it is beyond their control. Some may argue that voluntary euthanasia is too bigger choice for someone to make, but shouldnt people have the option to be put to rest with dignity by means of an injection rather than forms of suicide?For those that have more severe handicaps, sometimes they are incapable of understanding the situation, which makes it more difficult. Some consider involuntary euthanasia a type of murder, but murder is a crime committed against someone. If a person is severally in pain and unable to consent, then would the action of death be against the person, or would it be for the best?There is also a terrible pressure from society. All the arguments against voluntary euthanasia can be used by society to form a terrible psychological pressure on people to continue living for years against their better judgement. One example of this pressure is the risky and painful methods that those who genuinely wish to die would otherwise need to use, such as hanging. There are other factors people often forget about euthanasia such as economic costs. There is a limit on human resources in the world, in some countries there is a serious shortage of hospital space. The energy of doctors should be put on peoples lives that can be saved instead of a continued life of somebody who wants to die. This would increase the general quality of care, and would shorten waiting lists. It is also very hard on families do deal with not having the option of euthanasia. Instead of a memory of the person being happy and strong, they have a memory of the person lying there helpless, not able to feed themselves, get out of bed, or remember who they are. You might say that you should not try and play god by taking someones life away, but then why would god want to inflict so much pain on its creations? i believe that knowone should have to live with a pain that is worse than death. Bibliography Steinbeck, J. 1937, Of mice and Men, Covici, Friede, Inc. Wikipedia ®, Euthanasia, Morning Herald, Euthanasia debate FOUNDATION OF AUSTRALIA INC, Voluntary Euthanasia

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

One dark body essays

One dark body essays One race, enslaved for hundreds of years and taken away from their homeland, only to awake in foreign territories completely conflicting with their racial and native cultural heritage. The Africana heritage is a deep, intrinsic one with roots tied to the earliest know human existence, but within today's society, their ancestry has been created to be multi-cultural and shifted away from their original identity. But identity, with its prismatic and multi-layered dimensions which include racial, cultural, gender, national, and transnational ideals - is a precarious and contested category. The African identity wasn't always this perverse or questioned. With the development of America, many different races were formed and rearranged to fit the norms and standards of the new land, which was thought to be superior. Do you think the Africana people wanted to be taken out of their land, out of their heritage, out of their culture, to assimilate within a society not like anything they had ever seen or probably wanted to see? Du Bois, W.E.B., a black American historian and sociologist, put it perfectly when he made a statement on the ambiguity of the black identity: "One feels his two-ness - An American, a Negro, two souls, two thoughts, two unreconciled strivings, two warring ideals in one dark body." This is describing the Africana experience within America and expressing an effort that black Americans were attempting to reconcile with their Africana heritage with their pride in being U.S. citizens. The pride, though in today's society might hold true - was originally a forced pride in an attempt to declare that this was the land of the free and brave, but hey, for now you are the slaves with no rights. Africana cinema deals with all of these aspects within the films. Through the films, some express black identity with political struggl ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Essay on Consumer Safety Product Dumping

Essay on Consumer Safety Product Dumping Essay on Consumer Safety: Product Dumping Essay on Consumer Safety: Product DumpingThe product dumping is a serious problem that raises a number of ethical issues, since products banned in the US, for example, may be easily sold in other countries, where quality standards and government regulations are not so strict as they are in the US. In such a situation, companies, which have their products banned in the US by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) can still sell their product abroad, in those countries where there are no bans to their products. As a result, companies selling such products pursue maximum profits, although they are fully aware of the fact that they expose customers’ health and probably life to certain risks because of which their products are banned in the US. in such a situation, customers life and health are at stake, on the one hand, and companies’ profits are on the other hand. From the legal standpoint, companies can sell products, which are banned in the US, abroad, but from th e ethical standpoint, such policies of companies are questionable and, as a rule, unacceptable because material benefits of companies cannot be more important than safety, i.e. life and health of patients. If companies keep selling products that have already been banned in the US, then they intentionally expose their customers to risks and threats, which have already caused the ban of their products in the US, but the poor regulation and safety requirements allow companies to sell dangerous products abroad.In such a situation, policies of companies, which have their products banned in the US and having option to sell those products abroad, may view their position from different theoretical perspectives. In this regard, the utilitarian perspective grounded on the principle of utility is likely to be the most popular among companies because this theory allows moral agents to take decisions on the ground of the principle of utility. Therefore, if the decision to sell products is benefi cial for the company then the decision is reasonable, especially taking into consideration the fact that the share of customers, who may be hurt somehow by products banned in the US is relatively small. Therefore, the principle of utility works pretty well in such a situation, because the majority of stakeholders benefit from selling products banned in the US: companies gain financial and market in benefits, their employees get jobs, while customers get products, which they use for their specific purposes, as a rule, being unaware of consequences and risks associated with those products. The principle of utility justifies the practice of selling products abroad, even if they are banned in the US.Alternatively, policies of companies may be viewed from the deontological theoretical perspective. Deontology holds the premise that all actions of moral agents should be viewed in the context of moral rules and norms. Any action of the moral agent is reasonable and morally correct as long a s it matches traditional moral norms and principles. In such a context, companies selling products, which are banned in the US, abroad act immorally and violate rights of customers to purchase safe and reliable products. Exposing customers to risks and threats is morally wrong from the deontological perspective. At this point, it is possible to refer to one of the fundamental principles of deontology, the kingdom of ends principle. The kingdom of ends principle implies that all people or moral agents commit virtuous acts that mean acts that are grounded on moral and just principles. In case of sales of products banned in the US abroad, it is possible to trace injustice in relation to customers overseas since companies act unjustly in relation to them selling products which are a priory not safe because they have already been banned by the US CPSC. Instead, companies should be driven by moral concerns and remain virtuous through the respect to the well-being of customers. Therefore, in the ideal society, where the kingdom of ends principle is respected, companies, as moral agents, cannot sell products that are potentially dangerous and are already banned.At this point, the deontological theory is close to the virtue theory and the right formation of character. The virtue theory holds the premise that all moral agents should be virtuous and respect moral norms and values strictly. Being virtuous is the only right way of life in terms of the virtue theory. At the same time, the development of the virtuous lifestyle and the full devotion of individuals to such virtuous lifestyle are possible only on the condition of the right formation of character. The right formation of character means that individuals learn positive, virtuous models of behavior, moral norms and principles. In such a way, the right formation of character leads to the formation of moral agents, who are virtuous and commit only morally correct acts. For instance, in case of companies, which have t heir products banned in the US, the application of the virtue theory and the concept of the formation of character means that companies should act in a virtuous way, respecting the principle of justice and, thus, they should extrapolate the ban on all sales of their products, which have been already banned either in the US or in any other country of the world.At the same time, it is possible to distinguish moral and intellectual virtues which may not coincide. What is meant here is the fact that intellectual virtues imply the prevalence of rationality in actions and decisions of the moral agent, whereas moral virtues imply the prevalence of morality and moral correctness in actions and decisions of the moral agent. Therefore, from the standpoint of intellectual virtues, the decision to sell products that have been banned in the US is not absolutely wrong or not virtuous. Instead, if this decision is driven by rational reasons, then it can be implemented in terms of the virtue theory on the ground of the intellectual virtue because such act will have reasonable justification. For instance, if products are not banned in other countries, then they match safety regulations established in those countries and they are not really dangerous to customers’ health, life, etc. Instead, the US rules may be just too strict and set excessive requirements to safety of products. From the rational standpoint, such a view is reasonable and, therefore, has the intellectual virtue sufficient for the virtue theory to accept such way of actions as correct.In such a situation, the decision many companies have to make, when they face the ban of their products in the US, is extremely difficult and challenging in ethical terms. In this respect, companies should conduct the detailed analysis of their products and to assess real risks and threats of their products to the safety of customers. At this point, it is worth mentioning the fact that decisions of the CPSC may be the result of trade wars the US directly or indirectly involved in as was the case of trade wars between the US and Europe in the past. As a result, many European companies could not sell their products in the US as well as American companies could not sell their products in Europe. However, such a ban was driven not by the customer safety concerns but by economic interests and concerns of the US. Therefore, such products could be sold in other countries, even if they were banned in the US. Nevertheless, companies should put the safety of customers as their primary concern as the only criterion for taking just decisions. This means that companies should not sell products that are unsafe for their customers.Thus, the safety of products is extremely important and companies, as moral agents, should act responsibly. Even though some ethical theories justify sales of products banned in the US to customers in other countries of the world, even if such products are dangerous for customers’ sa fety, health and life. In this regard, the possible solution of the ethical dilemma companies, which have their products in the US, have is the assessment of the safety of their products and justification of the safety of those products. What is meant here is the fact that companies should justify and prove that their products are still safe enough to be sold to customers without any risk to their safety.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Stinky Pinky Definition and Examples

Stinky Pinky Definition and Examples A rhyming epithet, such as glad dad for a happy father, or wild child for an uncontrollable youngster, is called a stinky pinky. Made up of an adjective and a rhyming noun, a stinky pinky is a type of rhyming compound that functions as a playful definition. As a word game, stinky pinky goes by various names, including hink pink, hank pank, wordy gurdy, and brain train. Examples and Observations 50 Stinky Pinkies an artificial body of water fake lakea bashful insect shy flya bed on fire hot cota better cafe finer dinera better knife nicer slicera boxer who has lost weight lighter fightera cautious bird wary canarycerebral overwork brain strainthe chief of police top copa chubby kitty fat catcolored lemonade pink drinka dark-colored sled dog dusky huskya deceased Marxist dead reddehydrated soup chowder powdera dismal chorus dire choira ditch in Paris French trencha fast elevator swift liftthe funniest joke best jestan explosion in a hen house gizzard blizzarda fanatical slave zealot helota fat fish - stout trouta fuzzy fruit - hairy berrya greased hen slick chicka group yell team screama grumpy mountaintop cynical pinnaclea happier small dog merrier terriera holiday in Panama isthmus Christmasthe home of a small rodent mouse housean impolite man rude dudean inactive flower lazy daisyan ink-stained little finger inky pinkya large toupee big wigpermission to take so mething away removal approvala rabbit that makes you laugh funny bunnya sensible pupil prudent studenta skinny little horse bony ponya smarter author brighter writera smelly finger stinky pinkya smiling father happy pappya Snickers bar dropped on the beach sandy candya strange looking goatee weird bearda superior pullover better sweatera supervisor in a bad mood cross bossa suspicious looking clergyman sinister ministera tardy spouse late matea temperate youngster mild childa tiny insect wee beea useful rule effective directivea wet puppy soggy doggya young cat in love smitten kitten Shawn Colvin on the Stinky-Pinky Game To play Stinky Pinky, you thought of an adjective and a noun that rhymed, hence the name Stinky Pinky, and described the thing without rhyming in order to challenge the other players to guess your Stinky Pinky. You started out simply; a farm animals sea vessel would naturally be a goat boat, and so forth, although single-syllable answers were called Stink-Pinks, two-syllables Stinky Pinkys, and of course three-syllable rhymes were Stinkity-Pinkitys. One of my fathers favorite words to rhyme was gherkin, as in pickle. Dad thought of a loitering picklea lurkin gherkina saucy picklea smirkin gherkina busy picklea workin gherkin.(Shawn Colvin, Diamond in the Rough: A Memoir. William Morrow, 2012) How to Play Stinky Pinky This game has acquired more elegant names since I first played it as a child, but this is the name I knew . . .. The game requires two or more players. One player thinks up a rhyming pair of words and provides a verbal cluea non-rhyming definition. The other player(s) must discover the rhyming word pair. The example that comes immediately to mind from my childhood games is this one: Player A: obese feline animalPlayer B: fat cat I actually remember, at the age of seven or eight, learning the meaning of the words obese and feline in this context.The game encourages careful listening to the clue and narrowing down the possibilities for an answer, constrained by the syntax of the clue and the need to find rhyming words.(Margie Golick, Playing With Words. Pembroke, 1987) Stinky Pinkies in the 1940s Atlanta subdebs [teenage girls] have a little patois somewhat like old Pig Latin which they call Stinky Pinky. It contains words like Super-Snooper (a G-man), Flyer-Higher (an aviator), Snooty-Beauty (a debutante), Hen-Pen (a girls school), Jug-Mug (a man in jail), and Silly Filly (a young girl). (Subdebs. Life magazine, January 27, 1941) A Double Stinky Pinky A stinky pinky is a rhyming pair of words; one gives a paraphrase and the challenge is to recover the stinky pinky. I believe Paul [Halmos] is responsible for the following excellent double stinky pinky. Give a stinky pinky for an inebriated scoundrel. Answers: a drunk skunk or a plastered bastard. (Irving Kaplansky, Reminiscences. Paul Halmos: Celebrating 50 Years of Mathematics, ed. by John H. Ewing and F.W. Gehring. Springer-Verlag, 1991)

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Data Storage, memory allocations and communications in use in Assignment

Data Storage, memory allocations and communications in use in computing systems - Assignment Example Assume that you want to store 100GB of data onto the free space that you have on your hard drive. If data is uploaded to your machine via a phone line with a rate of 28,400 bps, how long would it take to fill the available storage space? Use one of the many sites available on the Internet to investigate the speed of your personal Internet connection. With that speed, how long would it take to store/upload that data? Does it make a difference what kind of files you are transferring (text, images, video)? If so, estimate the range of time it may take to fill up your hard drive. How many cells can be in a computer's main memory if each cell's address can be represented by two hexadecimal digits? What if four hexadecimal digits are used? Explain your answer. Suppose three values (x, y, and z) are stored in a machine's memory. Describe the sequence of events (loading registers from memory, saving values in memory, and so on) that lead to the computation of x + y + z. How about (2x) + y? Suppose a communication line is being used to transmit data serially at 14,400 bps. If a burst of interference lasts .01 second, how many data bits would be affected?

Friday, October 18, 2019

Economic and Political Motives for European Expansion into Africa Essay

Economic and Political Motives for European Expansion into Africa - Essay Example Missionaries persuaded their respective European governments to colonize Africa and thereby provide a supportive environment for the expansion of commerce. European powers used mineral exploitation, large-scale agricultural production, mixed economies as well as the supply of labor as modes of economic activity to generate revenue in colonial Africa. The major political reason that led to European expansion in Africa was political rivalries between the countries. England and France loathed one another for a considerable length of time due to the infamous hundred year’s war, and they both wanted to outdo each other in Africa. Nonetheless, the race for power was not limited to France and Britain. Other European nations wanted to benefit as well. Nationalism was popular among most western European nations as each nation wanted to be strongest. Nationalism is a strong identification with and pride in one's nation.This resulted in competition between European powers leading to wars . This competition made most nations to acquire more territories to uphold the spirit of nationalism in order to be seen superior than other nations. The strategy was another political reason for colonization of Africa. Most European countries were keen to maintain control of specific territories for strategic reasons. The British considered that South Africa offered a useful stop for ships on their way to India. Besides, the Suez Canal in Egypt significantly created a much shorter route between the UK and her colonies further east.

Intro to business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Intro to business - Assignment Example This all new process will reduce the cost of production greatly and make this fuel economical for the consumers as well. The shell had in the past suffered from a production stoppage due to the fire eruption at their Bintulu, Malaysian plant in 1997. This resulted in the discontinuity of the Gas to Liquid process because at that time only one plant of the Shell was operational. But now they have developed a new GLT plant that is ten times more in its production capacity, as compared to the Malaysian plant, in Doha, Qatar. By the way it is the world’s largest GLT plant, Shell’s forty years of research has paid back to them in an impressive manner. Qatar has the largest reserves of natural gas in the world as well. Second thing the Shell should use cheap transportation methods in order to make it (fuel) affordable for the people globally. Natural gas is mostly available in the remote areas and it costs a lot to transport the final product from those areas to the reach of the people. The Shell should also switch to the direct production method for GLT. This will help them to reduce their production cost greatly. This reduction in production cost would be then transferred to the ultimate consumers. Over the last forty years Shell has poured billions of dollars in their new GLT technology in order to provide efficient and cost effective fuel alternative to the people. Five year time to judge the success or failure of this project is like a pinch of salt in flour. These sort of projects require sometime to reach the breakeven and also in reaping profits. GLT will be really fruitful for the Shell because of the price hike of petroleum products globally. Moreover they know that they will harvest success as more and more people are becoming conscious to minimize their footprints on the planet

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Anatomy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Anatomy - Assignment Example In this case, the last pathway stage is seen to regenerate the compound that is used in first step. There are 8 steps of the cycle and all of them are redox, decarboxylation and dehydration reaction which yield two molecules of carbon dioxide, reduced forms of NADH and FADH2 and one GTP/ATP. The reaction is taken to be an aerobic pathway since the FADH2 and NADH produced are supposed to transfer their electrons to the pathway that is next in the system that will utilize oxygen. If this transfer does not take place, the citric acid cycle oxidation steps will as well not occur. It is noted that citric acid cycle generates very little ATP directly and it never utilize oxygen. The acetyl group in the citric acid cycle is attached to four molecules of carbon oxaloacetate to form a six carbon citrate molecule. Citrate is oxidized through a series of steps and in this case it releases 2 carbon dioxide molecules for every acetyl group fed into the cycle. In the due course, 3 molecules of NAD + are seen to be reduced to NADH, A molecule of FAD is reduced to FADH2 as well as one ATP (based on the type of cell) is generated (through substrate-level phosphorylation).Since the final citric acid cycle product is as well the reactant, the cycle is seen to run continuously in the presence of reactants that are sufficient (Aragon and Lowenstein, 1980). Condensation is the first step. In this case, the 2 carbon acetyl group from acetyl CoA combines with a molecule of 4 carbon oxaloacetate to generate a citrate molecule of 6 carbons. CoA is seen to be bound to a sulfhydryl group and it diffuses away and combines with another acetyl group. The step is known to be irreversible since it is highly exergenic.The reaction rate is regulated by the negative feedback and the available ATP amount. It there is an increase in ATP levels, the reaction rate will decrease. If it ATP is limited, the reaction

Erikson and Piaget in Action Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Erikson and Piaget in Action - Essay Example Piaget's preoperational stage and Erikson's Initiative Versus Guilt take place during the preschool years of ages three to six. Preoperational is Jean Piaget's second stage of development, which occurs during the preschool ages of three to six years. Three aspects of this stage are symbolic function, deferred imitation, and qualitative identity. "Symbolic function is the ability to use one thing as a symbol to represent something else." (Vasta et al 268). For example, the observed child used an empty laundry basket to represent driving a car. The child also used words to represent being a cat by meowing and licking hands like a cat licks paws saying, "I am a Kitty." Symbolic function develops skills used in the learning process for academic work. The teacher can develop representation by associating words with pictures to increase vocabulary, which in turn will also help increase social skills as well as academics. Deferred Imitation is when a child observes an action by someone and then imitates that action sometime in the future. For example, the caregiver of the child observed swept the floor yesterday and today the three year old is imitating her mother sweeping the floor. Deferred imitation proves not only the development of memory, but also the ability to learn by observation. Qualitative Identity is when a child knows that something does not changed even though it appears different. For example, crushing cheerios does not change them into another cereal: the cheerios are still cheerios. The sibling of the observed child ripped the three year olds' picture; the ripped picture was still her picture. However, a lack of conservation is a limitation for preschoolers in the preoperational stage. Observing the child practicing counting gave an understanding of conservation. For example, the caregiver created two rows of beads spread evenly and asked the child if they had the same number and the child answered correctly. However, when the caregiver spread one row longer then the other, the child believed that longer row had more beads than the shorter row even though both rows had the sa me number. The observed child focused only on the length of the line instead of counting the number of beads, which is an example of centration. Letting the child manipulate different objects, like clay, that can change shape and length without affecting quantity or volume can build conservation. Another cognitive skill that attribute to the academic work of preschoolers are egocentrism, class inclusion and serration. "Egocentrism is the inability to distinguish one's own beliefs from another's." (Vasta et al G-2). Children assume that a listener has all the same information that they have and this view of the world makes it difficult to understand the child when they are telling someone about their day. The caregiver of the observed child discovered difficulty when the child got hurt. The child assumed the caregiver knew how she got hurt and it took some questioning before the answer of how was give. The child was constantly referring to everything as "mine"; for example, my toys, my book, my television program. In the mind of a preschooler, the world is about them and nothing else is important. Despite the egocentric

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Anatomy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Anatomy - Assignment Example In this case, the last pathway stage is seen to regenerate the compound that is used in first step. There are 8 steps of the cycle and all of them are redox, decarboxylation and dehydration reaction which yield two molecules of carbon dioxide, reduced forms of NADH and FADH2 and one GTP/ATP. The reaction is taken to be an aerobic pathway since the FADH2 and NADH produced are supposed to transfer their electrons to the pathway that is next in the system that will utilize oxygen. If this transfer does not take place, the citric acid cycle oxidation steps will as well not occur. It is noted that citric acid cycle generates very little ATP directly and it never utilize oxygen. The acetyl group in the citric acid cycle is attached to four molecules of carbon oxaloacetate to form a six carbon citrate molecule. Citrate is oxidized through a series of steps and in this case it releases 2 carbon dioxide molecules for every acetyl group fed into the cycle. In the due course, 3 molecules of NAD + are seen to be reduced to NADH, A molecule of FAD is reduced to FADH2 as well as one ATP (based on the type of cell) is generated (through substrate-level phosphorylation).Since the final citric acid cycle product is as well the reactant, the cycle is seen to run continuously in the presence of reactants that are sufficient (Aragon and Lowenstein, 1980). Condensation is the first step. In this case, the 2 carbon acetyl group from acetyl CoA combines with a molecule of 4 carbon oxaloacetate to generate a citrate molecule of 6 carbons. CoA is seen to be bound to a sulfhydryl group and it diffuses away and combines with another acetyl group. The step is known to be irreversible since it is highly exergenic.The reaction rate is regulated by the negative feedback and the available ATP amount. It there is an increase in ATP levels, the reaction rate will decrease. If it ATP is limited, the reaction

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Project Proposal ( HR & CSR Connection ) Research Paper

Project Proposal ( HR & CSR Connection ) - Research Paper Example It will be beneficial in determining whether the resources at the disposal of the project team are adequate for completing the proposed project successfully. The financial resources required to complete the project successfully are available but they are not adequate. Additional sources of funds will be acquired by obtaining loans from the local financial institutions and other non financial institutions. The technology required is also available and will be useful in ensuring that the project is completed within the budget and time limits that have been set for it. However, some advanced technologies such as software programs for simulation purposes will be leased out from other organizations or purchased from local or international vendors. This is because there is no team in the project that will be tasked with the responsibility of developing software programs. On the other hand, the operations of the existing software within the organization have been determined and all the readily available ones have been found to operate as required in accomplishing their desired objectives. The accessibility to data has already been acquired with the subjects to be interviewed or questioned having already given their consent to participation. The performance of the project will have adequate time to complete which has already been set aside by the management of the organization as covering a period of one year. The topic being covered will enable me to acquire my master degree as it is a requirement in my coursework. It will also enable me to acquire the skills of managing employees and other personnel working for an organization to ensure they assist in the effective attainment of the project’s goals. I will also be able to develop a fostering environment for the workers so that their productivity is augmented due to their increased satisfaction. The project

Arguments for and against GM crops Essay Example for Free

Arguments for and against GM crops Essay GM crops are genetically modified crops that have been genetically enhanced using modern biotechnology to carry one or more beneficial new traits. 1. What is the difference between GM and conventional plant breeding? Conventional plant breeding involves changing the genes of a plant so that a new and better variety is developed. New varieties of plants are bred to suit different climate conditions, improve taste or nutritional value, cope with disease or pests better, or to use water or nutrients more efficiently for example. Breeding using genetic modification (GM) also involves changing the genes of a plant so that a new and better variety is developed. It is done for the same reasons as conventional breeding. The key difference is that instead of randomly mixing genes, which occurs as a result of a sexual cross, a specific gene, which is associated with a desirable trait, is selected and inserted directly into the new plant variety. 1. What is a Pharma crops? Pharma crops are genetically engineered to produce pharmaceutical drugs. Rather than manufacturing such substances by chemical methods, the idea is to turn farmed plants into mini-factories that can mass produce medicines and other chemicals cheaply and much more efficiently. Trials of this technology have used conventional farm plants, such as maize or soya. 1. The GM supporters argue that GM crops: -Help to feed the developing world and this is a social/ economic/ political effect. This is because GM crops help increase the yield of crops for the farmers and thus benefit food distribution and benefit the country’s economy. -Are cost effective and this is social/ economic/ political effects. This is because they become more commercially available and there is wider availability. The seeds also have a resistance to disease and therefore farmers also save on insect resistance. GM crops also lower the costs of production by reducing inputs of machinery, fuel, and chemical pesticides. In addition, due to more effective pest control, crop yields are often higher. -Could benefit human health and this is related to health. This is because GM crops eradicate disease so it therefore does not create human health issues as they can repel viruses and fungi and are less toxic. -Could reduce pesticide and herbicide use and this is environmental, health, social/ economic/ political effects. This is because they have improved traits and therefore are resistant to viruses and fungi. They also increase the yield of crops and thus, do not require herbicides and so reduce costs. -Could help preserve natural habitats is environmental. This is because the efficiency gains from GM crops will place less pressure on wild or natural habitats and thereby help preserves biodiversity. In addition, Eutrophication is prevented as less fertiliser is used. The people against GM claim that: -There will not be enough to feed the world which is health and social/economic/political effects. This is because GM seeds are much more expensive than conventional seeds and therefore means the poor cannot afford them, and thus they cannot be fed. In addition the soybeans, corn, and cotton crops that are mainly produced are not crops that will help feed most of the world. -It could damage organic farmers which are social/ economical/ political effects. This is because organic farmers still spray the bt toxin on the plants whereas GM already have the bt gene encoded in the plant and therefore does not require the toxin. Therefore less people buy the organic produce and buy more of the GM produce. -It could increase herbicide and pesticide use which is environmental, health, social/ economic/ political effects. This is because even though GM plants do use fewer chemicals in the first few years, afterwards they use considerably more chemicals, as was reported in the U. S. In addition with bt corn, it required more pesticide as most pesticides are directed at other corn pests. -It could reduce biodiversity which is environmental. It can do this because it is resistant to viruses, fungi and contains toxins which therefore mean the natural environment affected as the insects and bacterium lose their food source which results in a lesser population and thus, affects the consumers like birds and so on. -It mainly benefits big biotech companies which are social/economical/ political effects. This is because they claim most of the profit for the GM seeds and these companies are also concentrating their efforts in high-volume crops, such as soybeans, corn, and cotton, and not in crops that might help feed the billions of people who live in poor countries. -It raises ethical conflicts over the control of food production which is social/ economical/ political effects. Examples of these are; 1. The possible monopolisation of the world food market by large multinational companies that control the distribution of GM seeds. 2. Using genes from animals in plant foods may pose ethical, philosophical or religious problems. For example, eating traces of genetic material from pork could be a problem for certain religious or cultural groups. 3. Animal welfare could be adversely affected. For example, cows given more potent GM growth hormones could suffer from health problems related to growth or metabolism. 4. New GM organisms could be patented so that life itself could become commercial property through patenting. Show preview only The above preview is un.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Increase Learning And Learners Development Education Essay

Increase Learning And Learners Development Education Essay Positive attitude, organisation, focus, communication, feedback, questioning, review and closure are the essential teaching skills that all effective teachers should possess to maximise student learning (Eggen Kauchak, 2010). First year teachers that possess these skills and apply these strategies in the classroom will feel less vulnerable and more prepared to meet the challenges of teaching, and they will be able to maintain a positive and manageable classroom. Combinations of strategies, such as agreeing on classroom rules and consequences at the beginning of the year, being consistent about expectations, reinforcing appropriate behaviour, being neutral, maintaining student dignity, etc, are also useful in classroom management. A calm and productive environment starts with the teacher. Appropriate actions and positive attitudes, of a teacher towards students, should be maintained at all times. Inappropriate handling of a problem student may make the situation worse. Teachers are a role model for students and students look to the teacher for safety and consistency in the classroom. If a teacher appears to not be able to handle behavioural problems in the classroom some students may become anxious and withdrawn. Teachers also need to be able to meet the instructional needs of an ever changing student population. The process used to meet these needs should also include examining learning style and how this, along with teaching style and classroom environment, contributes to the students academic achievement and fulfilment. If teachers have the right approach to teaching, satisfaction can be gained from teaching when students enjoy learning and apply learning to everyday situations. The more knowledgeable you are, the better able you will be to meet the demands and challenges of teaching, and the better able you will be to capitalise on its excitement and rewards (Eggen Kauchak, 2010, p6). When teachers encourage students this makes learning fun and interactive, students begin to learn and take interest in what lies within information/knowledge which are not in the basic concept of just learning for the sake of it. This has been how teachers have taught in past generations. One of the misconceptions about teaching is the idea that knowledge of subject matter is all that is necessary to teach effectively, knowledge of content is essential, but understanding how to make that content meaningful to students requires an additional kind of knowledge (Eggen Kauchak, 2010, p7-8). Strategies and concepts appli ed correctly and effectively by teachers means that the students learning begins to take on meaning and ownership. It is imperatively important that as a teacher you understand what is being taught, we cant teach what we dont understand (Eggen Kauchak, 2010, p8). If a teacher has little understanding of the content it is hard for the students to learn as the teacher needs to have very good knowledge of content as well as pedagogical content knowledge an understanding of how to represent topics in ways that make them understandable to learners, as well as an understanding of what makes specific topics easy or hard to learn (Eggen Kauchak, 2010, p9). Teachers need to encourage students to use their cognitive knowledge by forming groups within the classroom. Teachers choose basic concepts that they are confident the students will know and then get the students progressing onto more complex concepts. By having knowledge of basic concepts this allows students to recall knowledge that they have learnt in previous lessons to actively think about making connections and relationships associated to other subjects, for example how the ability to count is quite useful when completing scientific experiments. By doing this students are using both procedural and conceptual knowledge. When teachers call on an individual student to explain their process of thinking about the concepts of what they are learning allows the teacher to assess what the student has learnt. Placing students into groups allows the students to understand other students ways of thinking which then allows the student to assess and increase their own knowledge. Group placem ents allow the teacher to assess students Zone of Proximal Development. Students who have a low zone will be helped in their thinking by the other students in their group who have a more developed proximal zone. This method is effective in guiding the students who need a little more help. As booker et al (2010, p399) suggests, Meaning, understanding and appreciation cannot be given to children by a teacher-dominated transmission approach to teaching. Students need a wealth of practical and creative experiences in solving problems by observing, analysing, describing, exploring and drawing a variety of shapes, arrangements, patterns, maps and other geometric structures. Problem solving scenarios, in group tasks, best demonstrates this. Students are required to work in a team to encourage social interaction, critical thinking and active involvement. This also helps to motivate the students to stay on task and retain the knowledge and skills learnt. Encouraging free exploration allows the teacher time to assess the learning capacity of the students. Teachers are also more likely to offer help and assistance to the students who require further guidance or extra work for the students who excel at a faster pace. Having the ability to engage students in class activities and d iscussions, by using social situations and group work, also allows the teacher to discover what activities work towards helping students learn whilst keeping the attention on the lesson being taught. Children construct much of their reality through playing and their games almost always involve sustained attention, high-level thinking and collective as well as individual effort (Booker eta l, 2010, p8). The resources that are available to teachers are designed to introduce students to the topic being taught, but also give the students, who have a better grasp of the topic, to challenge themselves further. The students, who are more advanced, are an asset to the teacher. These students can assist other students in a group situation as they can provide scaffolding to other students in the way of their thinking and processing skills as well as their higher Zone of Proximal Development. By providing a safe, happy and positive environment teachers can guide students using a practical and hands on approach. Promoting team building that will challenge each students theories and learning skills through group activities can be achieved by creating socially and physically interactive classroom environments. Teachers need to be self observant and be able to adjust their teaching strategies and techniques to suit the needs of the students. Communication networks with other, and older, teachers are of a great value. First year teachers need to feel comfortable to ask for guidance and support, to ask for help when required and not to let problems increase. Think outside the box and be proactive and seek alternative resources which may be adapted to meet the needs of different students and their levels of learning. Teachers are responsible for every student that enters their classroom. These are the students that teachers help shape by guidance and effective teaching strategie s. The better prepared a teacher is, the better prepared the students of the future will be.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Philosophy - The Only Truth Ex :: essays research papers

"We are, then, faced with a quite simple alternative: Either we deny that there is here anything that can be called truth - a choice that would make us deny what we experience most profoundly as our own being; or we must look beyond the realm of our "natural" experience for a validation of our certainty." A famous philosopher, Rene Descartes, once stated, "I am, [therefore] I exist." This statement holds the only truth found for certain in our "natural" experience that, as conscious beings, we exist. Whether we are our own creators, a creation, or the object of evolution, just as long as we believe that we think, we are proved to exist. Thinking about our thoughts is an automatic validation of our self-consciousness. Descartes claims, "But certainly I should exist, if I were to persuade my self of something." And so, I should conclude that our existence is a truth, and may be the only truth, that we should find its certainty. From the "natural" experiences of our being, we hold beliefs that we find are our personal truths. From these experiences, we have learned to understand life with reason and logic; we have established our idea of reality; and we believe that true perceptions are what we sense and see. But it is our sense of reason and logic, our idea of reality, and our perceptions, that may likely to be very wrong. Subjectiveness, or personal belief, is almost always, liable for self-contradiction. Besides the established truth that we exist, there are no other truths that are certain, for the fact that subjective truth may be easily refuted. Every person possesses his or her own truth that may be contradicting to another person’s belief. A truth, or one that is true for all, cannot by achieved because of the constant motion of circumstances of who said it, to whom, when, where, why, and how it was said. What one person may believe a dog is a man’s best friend, another may believe that a dogs is a man’s worse enemy. What one may believe is a pencil, to another is not a pencil, but a hair pin. Where one may believe that a bottle is an instrument, one may believe is a toy, where another may believe is a beverage container. Where one will understand the moving vehicle "car," one might understand "car" as a tree.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Examples Essay Essay

The internet is a wondrous creation and the world is progressing rapidly ever since things have become available with just a click. It has an impact on our daily lives every day in more ways than one. With the use of internet, life has become easier and smoother and almost all required information are at our fingertips. Before the internet, communication was done in 3 ways; face to face, written correspondence and through phone. Before mobiles there were landline telephones, and before that were telegrams and even before we had the ever so reliable system of the mailing letters via horse. Sending letters has to be one of the oldest ways of long distance communication in our society. Letters have been sent as far back as biblical times. Yet now we have a countless other ways to communicate: email, text, instant message, Facebook comment/reply/message, video chat, Face time, the list goes on and on. In fact, communication tools such as Face time are practically replacing face to face conversations completely. Not that any technology will ever replace the experience of sitting face to face with someone and having a normal conversation, but it’s not like technology hasn’t taken any other aspects of communication and transformed it. But then again none of this wouldn’t be possible without the internet and the way it can allow us to communicate with other individuals from the farthest corners of the planet. We need the internet more than anything in today’s society and if somehow the internet were to just disappear out of thin air, the lives of millions of people would forever be different in all the wrong ways. The internet is the way of the future for communication, and the future starts now.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Americas Obesity Epidemic

Cheyenne Rogers English IV Senior Paper America’s Obesity Epidemic Obesity is a chronic condition defined by an excess amount of body fat. Within eight years in the United States, the incidence of obesity has nearly doubled. People throughout America are slowly being affected by this national problem of obesity. The obesity epidemic is growing throughout each state in America, but now reasons for this epidemic are becoming clearer to individuals. Everyone wants to know a reason for the obesity epidemic, and now answers are appearing. Many reasons for this epidemic are due to present day generations, as well as American lifestyles.Fast food has not only come to dominate the American landscape, it has become the most visible American export around the globe (Down to Earth). Cheap and convenient food, busy work lives, and social lives, as well as a constant barrage from media sources have over-loaded Americans are all having a detrimental effect on people’s mental and phys ical health (Thompson). Due to busy lifestyles and laziness throughout America, people have found it easier to go through a drive-thru rather than take the time to go home and make a healthier meal for themselves.Weight gain and obesity are caused by consuming more calories than the body needs (â€Å"Obesity in America†). Genetic determinations, such as the way a body expends energy, hormones, which affect the way that calories are processed, and other organ systems in the body can all affect appetite (â€Å"Obesity in America†). Obesity is a disease that takes time to cure, but people will need to have determination to find a cure and also the understanding and knowing the cure will not come fast or easy. Thus, due to all these causes of obesity, America is in an epidemic that needs to be solved sooner than later.A big contributor to the obesity epidemic is the influence of the environment, such as lifestyles people have created. Within the American environments, what a person eats and how active he or she is, is now considered a lifestyle behavior (â€Å"Genetic Obesity†). Lifestyles contribute to obesity, because not only do families share genes, but they also share their lifestyle habits with in another in each household (â€Å"Genetic Obesity†). In any environment, diets from home are followed and original lifestyles can be carried on throughout life and adds to the ongoing obesity problem.Body functions of humans haven’t changed over the past 50-100 years, yet in society there have been an increasing number of people that are obese over the years (â€Å"Obesity†). Obesity over the past 30 years is most likely due to the recent environmental changes (Brehm). The environmental changes caused the obesity rates to increase over the years instead of decrease. The environment needs to change in a positive way in order for people to live in a healthy society. The media is pressuring people into unhealthy eating habits a nd unhealthy lifestyles.People’s exposure to fast food ads have increased compared to 2003 (â€Å"Effective Summary†). McDonald’s web-based marketing starts with children as young as two years old using Ronald. com (â€Å"Effective Summary†). Exposure to fast food restaurants and ads for these restaurants at such a young age is a major contributor to obesity. Kids are being told at a young age that it is okay to eat junk food; not being told that it is unhealthy for them. Advanced technology is also a factor in media expanding their products.Nine restaurant Facebook pages had more than one million fans as of July 2010, and Starbucks boasted more than 11. 3 million fans (â€Å"Effective Summary†). Smart phone apps were available for eight fast food chains, providing another opportunity to reach out to the young consumers anytime and anywhere (â€Å"Effective Summary†). In occurrence to the new technology, everyone has extra access to ads for all the unhealthy foods. The advanced technology has even gotten to the point where you can order food from your device.The media controls America by constantly pressuring people. The media advertising unhealthy foods it does not help to solve the obesity epidemic, and if this continues the epidemic will not be solved. A big reason for American obesity is because of fast food markers, which tend to be very greedy. Eighty-four percent of parents reported to taking their child to a fast food restaurant at least once in the previous week (Effective Summary). Fast food businesses make it easy for parents to supply food for children at low costs.Parents of the elementary school aged children were more likely to order a combo meal or dollar/value menu item for their child than a kid’s meal for the child (Effective Summary). Each meal is getting smaller and less filling for children pushing to get a bigger meal, even more unhealthy. In this case not only are parents feeding their ch ildren unhealthy foods, but over feeding them as well. Health problems are a result of obesity most people do not know about, such as diseases being results in unhealthy eating for a long period of time.Children and adolescents who eat fast food consume more calories, fat, sugar, and sugar sweetened beverages (Effective Summary). Removal of the nutrients from the body causes extra eating of non-nutritional foods, as the body seeks to regulate the actual levels of the nutrients it truly needs. Removing nutrients from the body is neglect towards the body. In order to be a healthy person it is necessary to consume all nutrients needed. A Finnish study showed that for every one kilogram (2. 2 pounds) increase in body weight, increases the risk of death from coronary artery disease by one percent (â€Å"Obesity†).Obesity is a risk for chronic disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and some forms of cancer (â€Å"Genetic Obesity†). Continuing to eat junk food is increasing chances of death, which is no joking matter. Most importantly, people should come to realization how serious and controlling obesity can really be. The effects of obesity are not only being physical fitness, but psychological as well. Losing weight and keeping it off can come more of a challenge to some than it does to others (T. J. Clark). This is caused by physical and psychological challenges.Many people continue to ridicule, mock, and even abuse the obese (The Effect of Obesity). People trying to lose weight are extremely vulnerable and are already currently struggling. Therefore, they need others support, not discouraging attitudes. Obese individuals trying to better themselves need support, especially when others find it necessary to constantly degrade the obese on a daily basis. Obese people may have fewer social and romantic relationships compared to the non-obese (Tree). Given that, low self-esteem is common among the severely obese as it is (The Effect of Obesity).Obesity causes much insecurity that people have a difficult time overcoming. A main effect of obesity is people not being pleased with themselves in any way, and no one should feel uncomfortable in their own skin. If the obesity epidemic continues, America will be an unhealthy world to live in, literally. Scientists project that by the year 2015 the number of overweight people in the world will tip to 2. 3 billion with more than 700 million people being obese (Green Life). The predictions have been made and at the rate America is going, these will be the obesity rates in three short years.Since 1995 diabetes rates have doubles in eight states within the United States (F as in Fat: How Obesity Threaten America’s Future 2011). Twenty years ago, no state had an obesity rate over 15 percent, but in today’s world there are two out of three states have obesity rates that are over 25 percent (F as in Fat: How Obesity Threaten America’s Future 2011). Thirty-eight states have hi gh obesity rates, and the rates don’t just stop there†¦ they keep increasing. Our future as Americans is a fat society. As a citizen, everyone should be concerned in helping to solve the ongoing problem, not only to better ourselves but to better our country!This problem can be controlled with motivation to work out and exercise, dedication to better themselves, and cooperation to stop the obesity epidemic from growing, to better each individuals body in America. To start, time reduced from watching the television and in other similar sedentary behaviors (A Vision for the Future: The Obesity Epidemic). Two of the largest fast food advertisers to children have joined the Children’s Food and Beverage Advertising Initiative, CFBAI, pledging to advertise only â€Å"better for you† choices to all children (Effective Summary).Plans to solve this problem are starting to be formed; and people just need to react in a productive way and help out. Other ways to help s olve the problem are to ensure that schools provide healthful food and beverages on school campuses (A Vision for the Future: The Obesity Epidemic). As the President of the International Association for the Study of Obesity, Phillip James, states â€Å"to change the food environment by requiring the companies label on soft drinks or fast food so that people are well informed, this is another way of helping reduce obesity† (Obesity Prevention Needs Change in Living Environment).Actions are taking place now, and soon America will have this problem solved with the help of the citizens from all over. America’s obesity epidemic has been an ongoing problem for the past 20 years. There has been questioning on what to do, how to fix the increasing epidemic, and how to react†¦ but now, the answers are clearly coming out. With support from others, obesity will become one step closer to an epidemic being reduced. Given there are a lot obstacle to go through to stay healthy t here are a lot of easy ways to do it as well. The media is always a pressure, but just think†¦ save a life by not having any health issues throughout life.Avoid the effects of being obese and insecure. And take a step forward and become a part of help our future generations NOT be obese. Now, with the cooperation of fast food companies, you can still get food quickly in the drive through just choose the healthier entree. American citizens created this problem and American citizens will get America a solution as well! Works Cited â€Å"A Vision for the Future: The Obesity Epidemic. † Vision. Vision. org. , 31 Jul 2008. Web. 2 Mar 2012. Brehm, Bonnie, and David D. â€Å"Impact of the Enviroment. † EndoText. EndoText Inc. , 24 Nov 2010. Web. Mar 2012. . â€Å"Executive Summary . † Fast Food f. a. c. t. s.. Rudd Center. Web. 1 Mar 2012. â€Å"F as in Fat: How Obesity Threatens America's Future 2011. † Trust for Americas Health . 2012 Trust for America's Health, Jul 2011. Web. 2 Mar 2012. T. J. Clark. â€Å"Genetic Obesity . † T. J. Clark & Company, 2008. Web. 1 Mar 2012. â€Å"Green Life. † Obesity and the Enviroment . Green Life, 06 Mar 2011. Web. 2 Mar 2012. â€Å"Obesity . † Medicine Net. MedicineNet, Inc, 2012. Web. 2 Mar 2012. † Obesity in America. † Down to Earth . Down to Earth ALL VEGETARIAN Organic & Natural, 16 Sep 2011. Web. 2 Mar 2012. Obesity Prevention Needs Change in Living Environment: Experts. † The Star: Online. Star Publications, 16 Jul 2010. Web. 2 Mar 2012. â€Å"Obesity Prevention Needs Change in Living Environment: experts. † English News. 2012 Xinhua, english. news. cn. , 16 Jul 2010. Web. 1 Mar 2012. â€Å"The Effect of Obesity . † Tree. com, Inc. , 02 Jun 2010. Web. 2 Mar 2012. Thompson, Dennis . â€Å"Too Much Work, Food, Media May Be Hurting Health. † News Health . U. S. News & World Report LP, 06 Jun 2011. Web. 2 Mar 2012. â€Å"Understanding Obesity . † Obesity In America . 2012 Copyright – Obesity in America, 2004.

Principles underpinning the role of the practitioner working with children Essay

in this unit I will be explain the principles and values and why reflective practice is needed for a practitioner and what ways they can improve on their practice. I am also learning `what the responsibilities of the practitioner when maintaining professional relationships. The principles and values in a child care setting are in place to give the practitioners a guideline to help keep up hood standard of child care practice. The EYFS framework promotes the four overarching principles. The child’s welfare and safety is one of the main principles because; â€Å"the welfare of the child is paramount.† (Jago, 2011) When a child is under the care of the setting the practitioner will work closely with them; which means that they will get to know the child’s background including any medical information that they need to know about. Also the setting should use correct behaviour management. Never use physical punishment is a main principle as it is used to keep children safe; this means the setting is trying to keep them away from harm and abuse. While in the setting practitioners should follow the emergency procedures so that no one including themselves will get hurt during an evacuation; emergency evacuations should also be carried out so that when there is a fire drill or an actual fire in the setting then the children will know what to do in that type of situation. The author carried out a risk assessment in the setting which involved moving cleani ng substances so that no child could get to them and so that it didn’t cause any harm to the child. Another principle is respect the parent as the primary carer and educator of the child which means the practitioner should work closely with parents to understand their views and wishes and they should be respected where possible. â€Å"Practitioners work with parents and families who are in the care, learning and development of their children and are the child’s first and most enduring educators†. (Ruthierhyme, 2011) Practitioners work with parents if their child is getting a special mention in an assembly then they could invite the parents in to watch. The parent and child come for visits before they actually start at the setting so they know what the setting is like and who their practitioner is; this may help the child to settle in to the setting quicker when they actually start. One of the main principles is upholding the child’s rights and dignity; practitioners have to make sure that they are not stereotyping or discriminating anyone in the setting. This means that if there are a wide variety of cultures in the setting; the practitioner could do arts and crafts from their cultures. If in the setting children want to read or play then the practitioner could let them use multi-cultural dolls and books about other cultures. â€Å"Workers should not discriminate and should encourage children to avoid prejudice† (Park, unknown) The author has done this in the setting by having a boy who is Chinese; so then in the setting the author did a wide range of activities on Chinese New Year so that other children knew about the festival. A point in the CACHE statement of values and principles is â€Å"confidentiality and agreements about confidential information are respected as appropriate unless a child’s protection and well-being are at stake.† (CACHE, 2010) This means that if you are taking notes on a child’s behaviour or reading a child’s file to see special requirements, never leave it lying around for anyone else to see and when you have finished with the file place it in a locked filing cabinet. When practitioners do observe children they should not mention names or the place where the observation has been done. The author had done this in the setting to evaluate a child’s physical development and to see what could be done to improve on these skills. There are many ways that a practitioner can find out about children’s interests; some of these are, by doing observations on the children to see what they like to play with; talk to the children to see what they enjoy doing and what their hobbies may be and also discuss with parents to see what the child likes to do while they aren’t at the setting. There are benefits for the practitioner which include that they can plan a suitable environment for the children; the practitioner can engage with the children to suit their individual needs. This way the practitioner will be able to build positive relationships with both the children and their families as it extends their learning experiences. There are also many benefits for the children as well which include; the children will make a contribution to planning which will raise the child’s self-esteem which will also improve their self-confidence; this will help them to develop their skills and knowledge, it also increases chance for communication by the children communicating with the practitioner, friends and their family this will also help the children develop a positive relationship with their practitioner and peers in the setting. The author has used the wide range of ways to find out about children’s interests in the setting as there is children from various age ranges in the setting so the author used observation techniques and talking to parents to find out what type of activities children like to do so that the author can develop adult led activities around the children’s interests which will make them more engaged in the setting and want to experience a wide range of activities put into place. Reflective practice is ‘a process by which you: stop and think about your practice, consciously analyse your decision making and draw on theory and relate it to what you do in practice.’ (Physiotherapy, unknown)As a practitioner it is important to reflect on your practice as it can create a higher quality of practice. Reflective practice is an ongoing dynamic process if thinking honestly, deeply and critically about all aspects of professional practice with children and families; it occurs spontaneously as well as in planned reflection. Practitioners use reflective practice to recognise and continue good practice as well as to challenge practices that are taken for granted; to change and improve what is not working well in the setting; to monitor all aspects of practice on an on-going basis and to know how to find out more information and support from others. When a practitioner is reflecting on their practice they should usually follow the reflection cycle â€Å"formally known as the Gibbs cycle† (P, K, K, & H, 2007, p. 228) to show what they need to do â€Å"processing in order to deal with a problem. This type of reflection may take place when we have had time to stand back† (QMU, unknown)from their practice. Practitioners need to reflect on their practice because then they will bring a higher quality practice and better outcomes for children and families; the practitioner will also be aware of and values and beliefs in the setting; they are more likely to challenge other practices; they can make an inclusive environment â€Å"means accommodating, recognizing and meeting the learning needs of all students.† (Jeeves, Unknown). Practitioners also reflect on their practice as it leads to seeking out research, resources and advice and it also promotes collaboration between professionals. When practitioners reflect on their practice there is many ways they can do this. Some of the ways are: keeping reflective journals, go to meetings, talk to a mentor or critical friend, have reflective practice notice boards in the setting, professional learning experiences and action research are just a few ways in which practitioners use to reflect their practice. The author uses reflective journals as a record of thinking of all aspects of their practice. The author uses stories about the practice that she does; she uses meaningful words and drawings she also uses pictures to use as a memory to whether the activity worked well or not and whether to use the activity in the future and a reflective account on what the children involved thought of the activity. When the author does a reflective journal she can also keep an online copy for future reference if she loses the hand written one. When doing reflective practice the author also uses a mentor or critical friend to talk to, as they will be able to challenge the authors practice from another point of view. The mentor or critical friend can be there for advise, a guide, for the author to ask them questions, provide resources and shared rights; also they offer a perspective from a 3rd person angle. This  can be a colleague or someone outside of the workplace and be face-to-face, online or over the phone. Practitioners have the responsibility to maintain a professional relationship with children, families, colleagues and other professionals in a range of settings. When working in an early years setting you will be expected to work with other professionals that may be on the same site as yourself or from the community where they will be required to come into the setting. A practitioner’s main responsibility in a professional relationship varies between children, adults and other professionals. The practitioner must carry out a professional relationship whilst working with the children; to ensure that all the children are treated equally and fairly; although children should be treated equally it is also important to value diversity and understand that children do not have the same individual needs. Keeping consistent boundaries and rules are important in order for the children to become familiar with the rules and for them to develop an understanding of what they are not allowed to do while in the setting. This can be done by ensuring that there is no favouritism shown to a particular child or children. It is also essential that no child is discriminated against while they are under the practitioners care. Practitioners also need to keep a professional relationship with families. â€Å"there are many reasons for doing so, but in terms of building relationships with children this makes a significant difference† (P, K, K, & H, 2007, p. 137) So if there is a problem or worry that a parent may have about their child while in the setting then the family can talk privately with the practitioner and can discuss what they think would be a suitable way to help the child with their worry so that they can resolve the issue as this will also build a trusting relationship. Also this way the practitioner can explain to the child’s family what activities they are doing in the setting and if there are any parent and child sessions being held for them to join in with. Practitioners need to also keep a positive relationship with colleagues and  other professionals in the setting; as they will need to discuss with each other about children’s holistic development and what help the child may need to get them to their expected milestone for their age and stage of development. All practitioners in the setting can learn from each other, if you don’t fully understand how to deal with a situation in the setting , or if you need help with an activity you can watch and learn from other team members and adults; sharing responsibilities, this is a great benefit while working within a team and with other adults as there are a lot of responsibilities working in childcare; sharing the work load, by sharing the work load with adult or team members the day to day running of the setting can go quit smoothly. Practitioners need a positive relationship with multi-agency teams as then practitioners will be able to learn new skills i.e. learn techniques to do if a child has to have massages on their legs due to illness or injury as then they will have been taught from the physiotherapist what to do with the child and how many times during the day in the setting; as this will help the child be more comfortable. By practitioners building positive relationships with multi-agency teams they will be able to build a relationship with them so that they can discuss information on what they think the next steps for the child may be; this can be through social services, physiotherapist or even a speech therapist. Keeping information about children and their families confidential is essential in maintaining professional relationships because; if a child has told you information that may need to be passed on then it may need to be looked into to get to the bottom of what has happened so then the practitioner will only need to pass the information on to the correct member of staff and not tell others that don’t need to know as if this happens then they are breaking the confidentiality policy. â€Å"The nature of our work in school brings us into contact with confidential Information. All those involved with handling information working in, or with school must be able to do so sensibly and with confidence.† (School M. P., 2011) This is because if the practitioner breaks the confidentiality policy it could become a risk for the child and also the child may feel like they cannot trust the  practitioner anymore which then they will not build a positive relationship with the practitio ner and may become withdrawn for the setting. For the practitioner to have positive relationships, they will need to demonstrate and model effective Communication skills, this means that practitioners should consider both how they approach other people and how you respond to them. We are more likely to communicate information to each other if we have positive relationships. Parents and other adults either colleagues or multi agency team workers who come into the school are more likely to give beneficial support if communication is strong and effective. It is also important for pupils that we model effective communication skills. If we ask pupils to behave in a particular way when communicating and then forget to do so ourselves, they will find it harder to understand the boundaries of what is acceptable. Multi professional approach is â€Å"working together to meet the needs of a child /children by Education; Health & Social care.† (M B. , 2011) This is where professional teams from all over come to work with children that need a specific teams help and support for their learning and development. In the Every Child matter 2007 it states that there are two types of multi professional approach which are; Bibliography: Beaver M; Brewster J; Green S; Neaum S; Sheppard H; Tallack J; Walker M. (2008). CACHE level 3 Child Care and Education. London: Nelson Thornes. C, C., & A, R. (unknown, unknown unkown). Sequential transition patterns of preschoolers’ social interaction during child-initiated play. Retrieved April 29, 2014, from science direct: CACHE. (2010). CACHE Level 3 award in early years and Child Care for play workers 5th edition. Essex: Health and Education. children, A. f. (unknown, unknown unknown). developing effective positive relationships. Retrieved May 13, 2014, from action for children: Department for Children, S. a. (2009, November unknown). Every Child Matters Change for Children. Retrieved

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Anything about europe Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Anything about europe - Essay Example Parliament itself was controlled by big landlords. The man in the street still did not count. If this was true of England, the same was the case in other European countries like Austria-Hungry, Prussia, Russia, France, Spain, Poland etc. In most of the European countries, the rulers were depots although during the 18th century they were called enlightened despots. The people had no hand in the administration of the country. They did not enjoy any personal liberty and everything depended upon the whims of the rulers. Serfdom prevailed almost everywhere in Europe. European rulers at that time were dishonest and unprincipled. International morality reached its lowest ebb during the 18th century. A man like Frederic, the Great, did not hesitate to annex Silesia in spite of his promises to Charles VI, the father of Maria Theresa. Russia, Prussia, and Austria conspired among themselves to put an end to the very existence of Poland. There was a general craze for territorial expansion at the expense of the weaker neighbors. "No consideration was paid to race limits or national boundaries," In the words of Professor Holland Rose, " That respect of dynastic rights and treaty obligations which generally held sway when Christendom was more than a name, now gave place to a state policy which avowedly aimed at little else but gain of territory or markets." Prof Hazen says, "The old regime in Europe was disloyal to the very principles of which it is rested" and those principles were respect for the established order and regard for regality and engagements (Mahajan 1) All over Europe there were privileged classes which were completely or partially exempted from taxation and the burden of taxation fell on the unprivileged classes. The rich paid less to the state and the main burden fell on the poor. European society was organized on a feudal basis and the landlords acted like petty sovereigns in the localities. The serfs were attached to the land and most of the proceeds from land went into the pockets of the landlords. The conditions of the serfs were miserable. To quote, "the great substructure of European society was an unhappy, un free, unprotected, undeveloped mass of human beings, to whom an opportunity for growth and improvement was closed on every side." While a few enjoyed privileges, the others suffered. Inequality in every field weakened the very foundations of the social systems. There was hardly any awakening among the masses of Europe and thus the system continued. (Mahajan 21) As regards the religion condition of Europe, western, western and central Europe were roughly divide between a Protestant North and a Roman Catholic south. In the centre people of Switzerland and Savoy were Protestants. The people of Ireland and Poland were Catholics. In Eastern Europe, the orthodox of Greek Church held sway over Russia and the Balkans. The Jews were found all over Europe. In some places, they were tolerated, while at others persecuted. Europe was not free from religious strife but religious toleration was making headway. It was felt that persons of different faiths could be the loyal subjects of the state. The growth of humanitarianism also played its part. The spread of the spirit of scientific inquiry made for tolerance. There was the decline of dogmatic religion. Causes of the French revolution The French revolutio

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Compare and contrast upper-class life in 1800 in Seoul with life in Essay

Compare and contrast upper-class life in 1800 in Seoul with life in the same era in Edo. Be sure to include information on education and leisure activities - Essay Example Seoul grew with time and made great political impact. Among the activities that were embraced in Seoul were sports. The change in socio-political status of this era impacted on the interest in leisure activities as well as the education. Seoul people later embraced activities such as arts, learning the alphabets, painting, and drawings. On the other hand, by 1800’s Edo was ruled by strict customs with the intention of promoting stability. Confucianism prevailed; ensuring that the social boundaries were strictly maintained, as in Seoul (Ebrey et al. 279-288). Unlike in Seoul, the Edo era consisted of four social orders; the samurai, the peasants, the merchants, and the artisans. The peasants produced the food necessary for life, unlike in Seoul where sports were embraced. Artisans produced non-food items while merchants amassed wealth without making goods, and were listed least socially. Before the 18th century, Japan was in isolation and the peasants and the samurai were poor and stagnated. In 1800’s, however, the education status of the people rose as the ban on western books was lifted. Scholars adopted Dutch books and learnt mathematics, medicine, and military science. Like in the Seoul, leisure and arts were embraced as

Monday, October 7, 2019

Critical analysis of I heard a fly buzz; Wounded deer; and From cocoon Research Paper

Critical analysis of I heard a fly buzz; Wounded deer; and From cocoon forth a butterfly by Emily Dickinson - Research Paper Example Her concern with these problems and the expressions of her judgement that she has made in her own highly individualistic idiom has probably led to the classification of much of her poetry as mystical. (Humiliata, 144) The work and life of Emily Dickinson became known to the world after her death. She led a secluded life and her work is shaped by her individualistic thinking. She mostly concerns herself with themes of: life, death, material and immaterial things, particularly in ‘I heard a Fly buzz’; ‘Wounded deer’; and ‘From cocoon forth a butterfly’. The running them in ‘I heard a fly buzz’ is death and the momentous experience during the final breaths of life. It is an experience of dying and feeling the last remnants of life. Life is associated with the buzzing sound of a fly- a minute living object. Though everything is still around her; yet it feels as if she is surrounded by a storm. The buzzing sound of the fly is contrasted with â€Å"heaves of storm† (4). Dickinson employs contrast to enhance the various themes in her poetry. The fly is moving while everything else in the room is still. She doesn’t personify the persons present around her deathbed but focuses on their emotions of grief. She does so purposefully so she could heighten the effect of the revelation of the king in power. ‘King’ could be anything- Christian God, or Death.... Even if life is trivial with respect to death or transcendental- it doesn’t let go that easily. The poet can feel life till the last moment. In the last stanza, she symbolizes light as life and darkness as death and the transcendence from light to darkness is gradual and painless. The poet is preoccupied with themes of life and death in this poem. â€Å"Death was important to Emily Dickenson. Out of some one thousand and seven hundred poems, perhaps some ‘five to six hundred’ are concerned with the theme of death...† (Nesteruk, 25-43) The first line of the poem startles the reader: ‘I heard a fly buzz when I died;† (1) because this statement apparently doesn’t make sense (no one can feel anything once dead). But the idea behind this is to elucidate the strong connection of life that a person experiences till the last moment. This poem is about feeling that moment where life and death intercede. Death is associated with power, stillness, a nd darkness. Sound and pictorial imagery is handled very delicately in this poem. The phrase ‘see to see’ is also the culmination of the poem’s complex sound play. It echoes the repetition of ‘stillness’ in stanza 1, and it is the last of the series of sibilants, or hissing sounds (s, sh, z) that run through the poem, building up to the Fly’s ‘buzz’... ... While there are those who see fly as a statement of nihilism that ridicules the notion that death is transcendence, others see the image as more ambiguous. For all its mindless uncertainty, the fly is a symbol of blind, persistent life, and as such, worth clinging to until the very final instant of consciousness. (Leiter, 104) ‘A wounded deer’ is a narrative of a hunter that explains to the poet how a wounded deer behaves when